by John Kruse, April 12, 2006

Took some time off work to entertain my son, daughter and nephew during Spring break. The three of us made the 1 1/2 mile hike into the lower Ancient Lakes from the end of Ancient Lakes Road off or the western end of Road 9 near Quincy, WA. This is a level walk through a sagebrush coulee with basalt cliffs surrounding you on three sides.

It was perfect hiking weather - a very slight breeze, 60 degrees and partly cloudy. The first yellow, white and tiny purple flowers were just showing up on the desert floor. After passing a couple of small basalt rock waterfalls we reached one of the four Ancient Lakes. We fished this one (the NW on the map) for about an hour. I tossed jigs and spoons while I set up my 9 year old nephew, Taylor, with the classic "worm and bobber". As we were getting ready to leave Taylor excitedly reported that his bobber had gone under. I told him (also excitedly) to reel in. He quickly reported he couldn't and showed me his reel. It was not good. Not only did he have a snarl, but his line was also knotted around the bail. How he did this.....I do not know.
Clearly, there was only one tactic left. I hearkened back to the first fishing show I ever saw...."Gilligan's Island." (That was a fishing show, wasn't it?) I quickly explained to Taylor to "Do a Gilligan". Holding up the rod and walking up the hill away from the lake. He did so, and soon dragged a nice 6 to 7 inch bluegill onto shore.
Taylor was a happy boy. The other kids were happy to see the fish, and the trip was complete.

The ancient lakes make for a great spring outing on foot (as a nearby Boy Scout troop backpacking in for a weekend trip attested to) or by horse (we felt we were in the middle of a Western, seeing up to a dozen horses in the general areas. Three of the Ancient lakes contain panfish and bass. The SW lake can be accessed by a short hike from the main Quincy Lakes wildlife area and passes by an impressive desert waterfall. The SE lake reportedly contains a remnant population of rainbow trout. Don't expect fast and furious fishing at the Ancient Lakes, but if you are looking for an easy spring hike and the chance for something at the end of your line, this is a walk worth taking.


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