Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

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Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by at0pgun » Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:13 pm

Planning a trip down to these lakes wondering where do i launch and fish can do the rest myself. please reply

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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by michaelunbewust » Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:17 pm

from the looks of his fish, id say northfork knows the launch areas over there. also, there is a current thread running with alot of that info, where he posted those nice pics, you will have to do some searching. good luck over there!!!

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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by A9 » Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:20 pm

I suggest using the search function. Lots of threads in recent weeks about this.
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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by Anglinarcher » Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:50 pm

at0pgun wrote:Planning a trip down to these lakes wondering where do i launch and fish can do the rest myself. please reply
There are a lot of options at Roosevelt and at Rufus Woods.

At Rufus Woods, there are tow boat launches, one above the dam on the South side, and one a few miles below Roosevelt on the North Side. If you fish or launch from the North Side, you must buy a Tribal permit, but it can sure be worth the money. Fishing from either side is pretty much up to you.

As for Roosevelt, it is best to see if you can get a Map before you go. They sell TOPO maps for that lake in most Sporting Goods Stores. There are launches from just above the Dam to near the Canadian boarder. If you are into the trout, fishing near 7 bays and down stream is usually pretty good right now. If you are into the Walleye, fishing near the Fort Spokane State Park is pretty good, but check the regulations - I think they still close down the Spokane Arm for part of the Walleye Spawn. later in the year, the Walleye and Trout fishing just kind of move up stream. Hunters is a great place for Walleye in mid summer, and for lots and lots and lots of Small Mouth Bass. I have caught trout and walleye all of the way to within just a few hundred yards of the Canadian Boarder, and that is normally more of a river than a lake for most of the year.

Good luck on your trip, but I'd consider focusing on just one of the tow places. Lots of BIG water, lots to learn.
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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by Nik » Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:12 pm

Roosevelt is closed for Walleye from the SR-25 bridge east (the Spokane arm) from March 31 - June 1.

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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by gpc » Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:20 pm

If you do it right its very possible to fish Ruffus, Roosevelt and Banks in the same weekend. If Banks is clear of ice that is. These 3 huge lakes that are less than a mile drive away from each other, claim the state record smallie (banks), state record koke (roosevelt) and of coarse the state record rainbow.

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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by lskiles » Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:13 pm

gpc wrote:If you do it right its very possible to fish Ruffus, Roosevelt and Banks in the same weekend. If Banks is clear of ice that is. These 3 huge lakes that are less than a mile drive away from each other, claim the state record smallie (banks), state record koke (roosevelt) and of coarse the state record rainbow.
Not trying to be argumentative, but the WDFW list on line says the state record smallmouth bass was caught in the Mighty Columbia River at Hanford Reach 4/23/66 and the record rainbow trout (Beardslee) was caught in Crescent Lake, Clallam County 9/7/89, the record rainbow trout (resident) was taken from Rufus Woods Lake 11/11/02.
Wow, the record kokanee is only 6.25 pounds caught in Lake Roosevelt 6/26/03.
I see the record lake whitefish was also taken from Roosevelt 3/31/97

That is some very productive water in an area!!

You can verify here: ... record.cgi

I see there is no record for longnose suckers or mountain suckers…I wonder where I could target those species. Does anyone know where these fish are found? Or the bridgelip or largescale suckers…I need to start a new thread.

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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by A9 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:19 pm

Ohhhh the fishing records for washington. Always cool to gaze at....I was only a few ounces shy of the coastal sea run cutthroat trout state less then a half a pound...
At least the fish is living still. Woulda been tough to kill that beauty and take it to a certified scale....That big hawg had some good genes to get to that size...I hope he put them back into the gene pool later that year..
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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by AdsBot [Google] » Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:23 pm

I was scrolling through the Washington State records for saltwater fish one day and noticed some species don't have a total weight. I was thinking about just going out and fishing for one of these select species just to have the *record fish* in WA don't know, probably won't do it, but some species either aren't listed here or have a very very small poundage.
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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by A9 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 1:28 pm

I don't see any that say there is a length for them on the records???
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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by gpc » Fri Mar 07, 2008 2:01 pm

lskiles wrote:
gpc wrote:If you do it right its very possible to fish Ruffus, Roosevelt and Banks in the same weekend. If Banks is clear of ice that is. These 3 huge lakes that are less than a mile drive away from each other, claim the state record smallie (banks), state record koke (roosevelt) and of coarse the state record rainbow.
Not trying to be argumentative, but the WDFW list on line says the state record smallmouth bass was caught in the Mighty Columbia River at Hanford Reach 4/23/66 and the record rainbow trout (Beardslee) was caught in Crescent Lake, Clallam County 9/7/89, the record rainbow trout (resident) was taken from Rufus Woods Lake 11/11/02.
Wow, the record kokanee is only 6.25 pounds caught in Lake Roosevelt 6/26/03.
I see the record lake whitefish was also taken from Roosevelt 3/31/97

That is some very productive water in an area!!

You can verify here: ... record.cgi

I see there is no record for longnose suckers or mountain suckers…I wonder where I could target those species. Does anyone know where these fish are found? Or the bridgelip or largescale suckers…I need to start a new thread.
You know Lewis..... you are 100% right and I cant tell you where I came up with banks lake holding the state record for smallies lol. Sometimes I dont know where I come up with this stuff. Thanks for calling me on that, dont want to be posting false info.

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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by mics » Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:34 pm

boat luanches ,thers two on the rufus is seaton grove off the main hywy on the way to nespalem.and then there is a small low bank unimproved one about a 1/4 of a mile before you get to the rufus turnoff dirt road down in the a guy from ca 3 weeks ago caught a 22 pounder,article is in this months issue of fishing and hunting news.nice lookin puppy.this why we all keep going to rufus.i must be getting better at pictures,wahoo it work
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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by A9 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:37 pm

I saw the picture of that fish. Absolutely monstrous..Look at how fat that belly is on that thing....
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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by mics » Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:40 pm

there is nothing better tasting than a rufus pig wrapped in tinfoil cooking over a fire at the camp grounds at nite at the pens
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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by northfork » Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:33 pm


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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by mics » Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:07 pm

OK,well it ranks up there with outher things:
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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by kevinb » Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:39 am

Wow,nice fish. I gotta go there!

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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by urbanangler » Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:37 am

With some recent glowing reports of success at Rufus Woods, I am contemplating trying it out. As a first step, I have pinpointed exactly where the "pens" are: ... &encType=1
==urban== please don't tell me to C&R or to fish your way, thank you

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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by gpc » Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:28 pm

They just changed the regs at Rufus. They guy that explained them too me wasnt making a whole lot of sence but what I got was you need to pinch your barbs. The pens are tricky to find. Take a left over the dam and stay on 155, go about 14 miles and take a left at the rodeo. If you go to the town of Nespelem, you went to far. After you take a left at the rodeo go exactly 6 miles and take a left. Its a gravel road and isnt marked, I over shoot it 9 times out 10.

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RE:Roosevelt and Rufus Woods info

Post by eustace » Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:19 pm

The Kok's average size is acceptional in Roosevelt. If you target them in Roosevelt troll near the San Poil river mouth across from Lincoln ferry and boat launch, That's where we have our best luck. Either of the three lakes would be a great choice depending on paticular targets. The one thing that I have always had a problem with is actually leaving the lake I hit first.
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