They used to have these. Eyeman eroded them with I-695 and 747. Combined with decreased revenue from post 9/11 economics, they are gone.The solution is that they can and should be creating rainy day funds, and then living within their means.
This is an insidious little line he added. The process for requesting increases of funds puts the agencies within a continuous loop of elections. There is absolutely NO WAY for a govt agency to permanently raise a tax to pay for any outlined service in perpetuity. They can only as for B&O, M&O, bond, or levy, and all of those have caps between 1 and 10 years in duration. If you want to increase your police force by 10%, it will be by levy, and must be voted on every 6 years. If that levy fails at any point, the 10% staffing must then be dropped, reducing the level of service.Now, as for 1033, I have read the initiative inside and out. It has been suggested that the Governments cannot raise taxes. This is a lie. They must ASK us for permission, but they can raise taxes above growth and inflation.
If a city grows from 150,000 to 175,000 people (16%), they generate need. Say they have 2000 requests for 911 police aid. It goes up to 2320 (16%), which requires an additional 16% of work force to respond. Using the I-1033 structure, they CANT GROW to meet need above the cost of living increase and population growth. It isn't a linear curve. The 1033 #s in this scenario would generate around 9-10% increase in revenue generation. This is an operational loss, and doesn't meet the needs for growth.
Also keep in mind that this is only for services based on RESIDENTS. Say you have a business on the edge of town. Most of your employees live close to work, and less than 25% live in town. The level of service can only rise to meet the need of those residents, not the total number of employees working 40 hrs a week and generating service calls.
We have spoken at length, and really this boils out to two root issues:
1) Don't hinder the state at the cost of the cities. This bill will consume cities and run them into bankruptcy while the culprit is the state.
2) If everyone hates how the state SPENDS the money, why do they attack how the GENERATE money? If spending is the problem, vote for initiatives based on curtailing spending.
Please vote NO on I-1033, its the wrong bill at the wrong time.