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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Angle Lake Report
King County, WA



Ok, if you fish in King county and talk to the doc fishermen, you've probably heard a story or two. Well, I've written previously about a tall tale I keep hearing around Lake Desire about this "5lb bass that lives under the doc". Well, today I was at Angle lake and I saw the 5lb bass that lives around, or under the doc. I mean, I've only seen fish like this on TV. I'm pissed I didn't have my camera! I was fishing in my recently acquired Livingston with my mom, and we pulled up to the doc so she could use the restroom. I heard someone holler, and I turned to see a lady holding this HUGE bass, had to be at least 5lbs and almost 2 ft long. She was reeling in her trout when it got caught in a line that someone tied to the post. Well the jerk who tied the line to the post also tied some bait and a hook on the end of the line. Well guess what was on the end of that line. Yep, you guessed it, the "5lb bass that lives under the doc"! I couldn't believe my eyes. One guy pulled out his camera phone and snapped a pic. I hope he posts it on here. Anyways, I just read a post about someone having not so good luck bass fishing this lake. Well, there's at least one fish in there thats worth fishing for. Good luck, I'll stick to trout!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709