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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Wenas Lake Report
Yakima County, WA



Once again a good time was had by all.

There were a couple of poles and a flag lost in the lake but there were enough prize fish caught to keep the excitement up in spite of those kind of things. There were two $100.00 fish caught the day of the Derby and another $100.00 fish and the $500.00 fish caught after the horn blew. Sorry guys. One on the 8th and one on the 11th.

KXDD was on the lake and on the deck of the resort with lots of good music and entertainment. Where else could you go fishing and be entertained at the same time. What a deal...

ALS was on the scene just in case and there were no calls for their services. Thanks for being there -- we appreciate all you do.

The raffles went well however the winners didn't just stand around with hot chocolate waiting for their number to be called this year as the weather was quite warm and almost everyone was staying out with their poles anticipating prize fish. The numbers were posted each hour and prizes picked up on fishing breaks.

Attendance was a little more than last year but spending was a little down. Must be the economy. What do you think?

All in all everyone was pleased with the turn out and the out come. Thanks again this year to the NVHS Booster Club, Naches School District Employees - Teachers/Coaches, etc., Naches Valley High School Football Players, Friends and Family volunteers, and Wenas Lake Resort, Inc. workers for the great job done by all.

Start gearing up for next years Third Annual Fishing Derby which is already in the planning stages. See you there June 2004.


Second Annual Wenas Lake Fishing Derby

When, Saturday, June 7, 2003 (which, by the way is also "free fishing weekend" meaning that no fishing licenses are required for anglers). Registration begins at 4:00 am, fishing starts at 5:30 am and is over at 5:30pm. Pre-registration sales will be handled by the Naches Valley High School Football Team and sales will begin May 23. Registration forms for mail in signup will be available at Chinook Sporting Goods, Big Five, Gary's Fly Shop, Grumpy's, and the Wenas Lake Resort. (We may have additional sites this year, yet to be determined.)

Second annual event benefits the Naches Valley High School Football Boosters Club which uses the money to fund summer football camp for the team as well as any new equipment needs.

Entry fees are $10 per angler regardless of age. No extra charge for boats but, number allowed on the lake limited to 15 tournament boats (first come/first served) by Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife. All Department of Wildlife fishing laws apply.

The Wenas Lake Resort will be closed to the public the day of the derby but will prepare a breakfast and "box" lunch at a discounted price. Last year the breakfast consisted of biscuits & gravy, scrambled eggs, fruit and coffee for $5.00. Lunch was a barbecued chicken hindquarter, baked beans, fruit and bottled water for $5.00. Tickets for the meals may be paid for in advance with the pre-registration or purchased at the registration table the morning of the derby.

Campsites sold out for the night before the derby last year so early reservations are recommended. Full hookup sites are also available. Reservation phone is (509)697-7670.

Raffle tickets will be sold for hourly drawings of awesome "stuff" and we will probably have a 50/50 cash drawing as well.

Last years registration totaled approximately 300 anglers with approximately 200-250 participating in the derby. A $250 fish was caught within a couple of hours of the derby beginning but no other tagged fish were caught that day. This year's prizes will range from several $100 fish to a $500 grand prize fish. We are increasing the number of tagged fish this year.

Joyce Lee Anstett


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709