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Silver Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



Top Fishing From Boat
Tiger Muskie

So a couple buddies and I hit Silver Friday and Saturday evening.... Friday we were just fishin for some bass, hooked a couple. Then my buddy David who up to this point was catching little 3 inch crappie the whole time says "Hey I got one, I think its a nice little bass." Five minutes prior to this we had seen a musky swimmin by our boat. (I spotted 4 different muskies that day!) I didn't think there was any way he could possibly catch one with his little 3 inch soft swim bait, $10 ben franklin special pole and reel with the 6 pound test that came on it, and I told him that. So he hooks into this "nice little bass" and I am standing at the font of the boat, he is in the back and I hear my girl friend say "Oh My God It's A Tiger Musky!"... At that point I flew to the back of the boat because we had never caught one! I thought for sure it would break him off, it was a pretty big fish! Well long story short we caught and released a nice 36-38 inch musky! He was fat! We didn't get a measurement because we had already had him out of the water a little while and wanted to get him back in. but we got a pic of him in the water.

So, inspired by our great night the day before we headed back out to silver Saturday night. This time I said screw the bass I'm catchin a Musky! Sure enough just hangin out in about 2 feet of water was a 33 inch musky who took my little jointed rapala and boy did he put up a fight! Reminded me of steelhead fishin! which is odd because the brute that David caught the night before didn't fight till I tried taking the hook out. He bit me through my gloves! Well mine fought like no tomorrow, definitely a younger fish! So in two nights we boated two muskies! This was the first musky for both him and me! They were definitely out and about Friday and Saturday evening, we saw so many of them! On our way back to the launch Saturday night we cruised past one that had to be 40+ inches! We had a great time, the weather was great and the muskies treated us well!


muskie guy
6/5/2007 11:37:00 AM
Nice work you guys! Great job on the release, great example of a properly held fish during a photo to boot! NICE. Silver is a great muskie lake and guys like you will help keep it that way. Now that you are going to be expert muskie anglers, you should contact the warmwater enhancement manager at F & W and get an angler diary sent to you. It's on their web site and it's free. All the data collected helps Bruce Bolding and Steve Jackson improve our muskie fisheries. Also, we are having our second Muskie's Inc. meeting on June 21st in Federal Way. Contact me if you want info on either item, happy to help. Good job!
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709