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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Bear Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Rainbow Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring

my son and i had a few hours to kill, so we put the boat on top of the subaru and went to bear to fish. we've got a little troller motor that pushes us pretty good in a small converted sailboat ( the" rusty scupper", we call it). we got out at about 10:30 and i rigged up my son's "cars" fishing pole with a green wedding ring (he picked the color) and a red on my pole. within minutes he had a little 9" rainbow. his first fish! (he's almost 3) yeah, i did most of the work for him, but it's still his fish, just ask him! i hooked a nice one that got off the hook about 2 feet from the boat. we could see it real good, as the water was crystal clear and warm. after that, nothing for me while fishmaster jr. caught 2 more, 8" and another 9". he had a blast and took a long nap when we got home. i know we'll be back. the west side of the lake has a playground, docks to fish off of- you bring lunch and this is a great place to get the kids into fishing. if they get bored, let them go play for a bit and try later. it's 2 bucks per person, under 6 free.


Marc Martyn
6/22/2007 11:16:00 PM
Sounds like you and your son had a great day. However, Bear Lake is a "non-motorized boat" lake. It does not state that in the WDFW Fishing Regs, but it is posted at the lake and on the Spokane County Parks website. Here is the link:


I don't mean to discourage you, but if they would have caught you with the motor it would have been a healthy fine.
Marc Martyn
6/22/2007 11:25:00 PM
There seems to be somewhat of a mixup at the Park Dept. I looked up Fish Lake County Park and it also states that no motors are allowed. On Fish Lake, you can use an electric motor. I'll fire off a couple of e-mails and try to get this clarified. I am curious now.
6/23/2007 8:57:00 PM
thanks for the heads up, i'll check it out. this was our first time out there and i checked the regs, not the county site. i saw no signs at the lake prohibiting motors, just adults fishing without a juvenile. there was also no one at the booth at 10 am to ask, or to pay, no box to leave the fee in, or any presence at all of rangers or facilities people.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709