Mike Carey
8/1/2007 9:03:00 PMThe last couple reports stated something about a 9" minimum on Crappie. There is nothing in the current regulations stating a 9" minimum on Crappie in general or for Elokia Lake. http://wdfw.wa.gov/fish/regs/2007/2007sportregs.pdf

Paul & Sammi
8/1/2007 11:53:00 PMOn page 90 under Eastside Lakes - Special Rules - Eloika Lake, it states: Species - Crappie: Season - year round - Min size 9 inch, Daily limit 10.
Other Game Fish: year round - statewide min size/daily limit

Paul & Sammi
8/2/2007 2:08:00 AMThe fallowing lakes are listed as having a 9 inch min - 10 fish limit for Crappies: Coffeepot, Downs, Eloika, Lower Goose, Moses, Silver, and Sprague.
Potholes has a 9 inch min and 25 fish limit