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Silver Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Top Fishing From Boat
Tiger Muskie

Decided to give Silver a go this morning since I couldn't make it to the musky tournament this year. I worked over some of the weed beds looking for healthy, green weeds that would still attract fish. Didn't find much so I moved out to the deep weed edge and fished inside turns and points, big fat nothin. Stayed in about 15 ft. and moved along the east side casting a swimbait out into deep water, counting it down to cover the water column. Was working the bait slow so it stayed deep, throwing in an occasional twitch and pause.
It was a slow morning and I wasn't very enthusiastic, so I was surprised when the biggest musky that I have ever seen at silver came cruising in to check out the bait. This fish was a brute, it looked like a Curlew fish. It must have been from the first 2 years of stocking because it dwarfed the two 40" fish I've caught there this year.
The bait was still out about 10 feet and was coming up from the depths when I saw the musky come in. So I sped up my retrieve, which you should always do when a musky comes in quick. I made a quick left turn and started moving the bait away from the musky so I could go into my figure 8. When I made the turn I really moved the bait fast, mimicking prey fleeing from a predator. The musky shot forward and grabbed the......LEADER!
A quick head shake later and the musky was gone, my bait resting at the bottom of Silver Lake. Ugh, you fish all year for one this big. I hung out there for another hour, making sure the fish didn't come floating up with a lure pinning it's mouth shut. Thankfully, I never saw the fishy again. Maybe next year.
Continued fishing along the east side, but called it a day when I lost another lure and leader to a submerged tree. Looks like Rollie and Hellen's will be getting a call today. Please release those fish, you too will see a 25 pounder if the 10's get a chance to grow.


9/17/2007 10:39:00 PM
Hey Muskie guy,
Sorry to see that you lost a bait..that bites man. Just my 2 cents worth..Check out ebay if you can..A guy named Charlier2753..he makes THE BEST leaders on the planet. Very reasonable..from mono to flourocarbon to wire leaders best by far..just check his stuff out..look under musky fishing and look for leaders and you'll find other bedazzling things there too!! Todd
muskie guy
9/19/2007 2:27:00 AM
Thanks for the 411 MuskyThumper, er..Hunter. They looked very niiice, see all the Bulldawg look alike lures? What's up with that? What test florocarbon are you using now? I prefer 6 million.
9/19/2007 8:39:00 AM
hey muskie guy you still havnt called me to go fishing!! I beeen using braided tough line leader for the huge pike I been taking on the pend orielle river, untill I getr bit off I will continue to use it , it has worked well so far, I HATE steel leader !!!!! messes up my action, I think it scares the fish, I just hate it , gets all bent up, going steely fishin this weekend and going to hanford reach for salmon next week, I catch sturgeon there also , lots of fighting fun!!! get some nice photos (sturgeon very photogenic) :) gimme a call or e-mail if u want to hgo fishin!! 294 2698 spokane valley
9/19/2007 8:39:00 AM
hey muskie guy you still havnt called me to go fishing!! I beeen using braided tough line leader for the huge pike I been taking on the pend orielle river, untill I getr bit off I will continue to use it , it has worked well so far, I HATE steel leader !!!!! messes up my action, I think it scares the fish, I just hate it , gets all bent up, going steely fishin this weekend and going to hanford reach for salmon next week, I catch sturgeon there also , lots of fighting fun!!! get some nice photos (sturgeon very photogenic) :) gimme a call or e-mail if u want to hgo fishin!! 294 2698 spokane valley
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709