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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Newman Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Rainbow Trout
All Day

I just want you all to know, NEWMAN LAKE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were there for 8 hours and all anybody caught was, my wife caught a 4" perch. There were only about 15 to 20 fish on the graph the whole day. We saw a couple rolling but nothing bit the whole day. What a waist of time.



muskie guy
10/1/2007 11:33:00 PM
Jim- I don't think Newman would be the best place to try and wrangle some trout on any day. Do you ever get out into the Four Lakes area and try Medical , Silver, Williams or Badger? Last time I took my boys to Badger they caught 12 rainbows from shore. I don't keep any but it's still fun for them. I spend a lot of time on Silver fishing for muskie and have had good luck trolling wedding rings and stuff like that when the boys need to catch a fish. The browns there really like perch rapala's too.
Captain Jim
10/2/2007 1:51:00 PM
I spend alot of time out at Rock, Clear, Waitts, and will be trying Loon on friday. My wife wanted to try Newman. She heard about all the different species there were supposed to be in the lake; and thought we should try it.
phil cogley
10/2/2007 2:19:00 PM
Jim, just go to west Medical and you can catch tons of those slimmy, stinky trout. Ask for Ken at the resort tell him Phil says hi and he will point you in the right place.

Captain Jim
10/2/2007 2:34:00 PM
We were out at West Medical about 2 to 3 weeks ago and caught quite a bit of trout. We took some home to eat, and they tasted muddy. That's why I like Rock, or Waitts. The deeper lakes don't make the fish taste muddy. But West Medical was fun. I think they are closed now though. My wife is in search of that big trophy trout. Like my big 8 lb. Brown I caught out at Clear Lake in 2005.

phil cogley
10/3/2007 9:33:00 AM
Jim, I grew up on Clear Lake and caught a lot of trout as a kid. It's been a long time since I fished it, but the lake is open thru the end of the month. I used to troll with flies on lead line two to three colors. I would make a loop around Mallard Bay resort formerly Barber's Resort. I remember it would really piss off the dock fisherman ever time I would catch a fish out in front of the docks. The browns seemed a little more aggressive and would take a small flatfish on a regular basis.

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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709