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Round Lake Report
Clark County, WA



I went out in the late afternoon with my small boat. The water is so low that I didn't even have to duck going under the bridge, and I had to bring my motor all the way up in some parts. I wasn't able to catch anything. I trolled around and tried nightcrawlers, spinners, and some jigged plastic grubs.
I made a report on Lacamas lake a while back about it being like a lake from a horror movie. The true horror can been seen in Round right now which Lacamas drains into. The south end of the lake is absolutely putrid. There is lots of garbage floating around and horrid stench. Also there is a strange sea-green slime floating in weird patterns all over the top. I guarantee you I will never eat another fish out of these two lakes after what I've seen.
For the doubters who don't like people to say anything bad about their favorite home lakes, the county has realized there is a problem for a long time and have been studying the problem. See here: http://www.co.clark.wa.us/water-resources/monitoring/lakemonitor.html


10/15/2007 7:58:00 PM
you just seem to hit this lake at the most terrible times, fish this lake early spring- early summer for the best conditions. as for the smell i dont know what is up i must have grown immune to it because i was there 2 days ago and dident smell nothing
10/16/2007 5:53:00 PM
If you take a look at the report, you'll see that Lacamas Lake is classified as eutrophic because of high levels of phosphorus. For more information on eutrophication see here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eutrophication). Basically, it's bad for a lake. It causes excessive plant growth, poor water color and transparency, bad smells, and most importantly (to us) a poor environment for desirable fish. All of these effects can be seen in Lacamas and Round and will continue to get worse if things don't change just like the closing comment in the report says, "In the absence of renewed lake and watershed management efforts, continuing human impacts to the lake are likely to erase past improvements and further degrade its beneficial uses."
10/17/2007 5:56:00 PM
I agree to what everyone is saying, Lacamas and Round are definitely nasty. But Its like home to me since I have fished there my whole life. I agree that it has its smells and stuff, but I've gotten used to the nasty dead fish smell. Someday I hope to catch a mutated bass or old cat out of this lake. I asure you that there is some kind of Mutant bass or Catfish in Lacamas lake. Im Destind to find out! Just wait, someday there will be a post in the Newspaper saying Man catches Bass with three heads or Man catches Catfish with 5 eyes lol. Just think of it, Its actually a funny thought. I also think its a big possibility.
10/18/2007 9:32:00 PM
the only thing that makes me mad is one or two posts in the hystory of this site have said bad things about this lake, beside the skunking of a few fisherman noone exept for joe has never mentioned a smell or anything so that is just what i think
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709