Marc Martyn
10/30/2007 12:12:00 AMOn another note- Did you ever get the engine problem figured out with you boat?

10/30/2007 12:53:00 AMAs for the boat problems, I never did get it fixed myself, but did narrow it down to the upper fuel pump. At idle or during gradual acceleration the engine runs fine, but on a hard acceleration is when it cuts out. That, they tell me, is a sign that the upper pump is bad since that's when it's engaged. Will have it fixed when I have it winterized. And speaking of winterized, I gotta get her in soon. There's even a chance of flurries tonight!
Thanks for asking!

Marc Martyn
10/30/2007 11:24:00 PM
10/31/2007 2:56:00 AMnever owned the place and that he went home. He told me the owners decided
to run the property now. Thats whay I was told.

11/3/2007 6:04:00 PM
11/5/2007 9:53:00 AMI couldn't agree more. One of the reasons I really like this lake is the no-wake policy, which keeps the big boaters away. I hope that also keeps the development away too. I'm thinking the guy who wants to build a big lake place is also going to want to build a dock for all of his noisy jet-skis, etc. and that is not an option @ Chapman.
Have you seen the realtor signs and development around Badger Lake, just "next door"?