11/22/2007 1:55:00 PM
11/22/2007 1:55:00 PM
Joe Heater
11/22/2007 11:54:00 PM
11/23/2007 7:27:00 PMJoe: I have not found Crappie in Lake Stevens; but I've also never targeted them there. When they're bitin, I'm no where near Lake Stevens; it's just too much of a madhouse with skiers, jet-skiers, etc. As for Lake Cassidy, last time I was there, it had a real bad toxic algae bloom and was nasty. This was, however, back in October (I only remember cuz I knew it was only a few days shy of the end of crawdad season and I had my pots with me). Yeah, I now know that those two lakes are seasonal now; bummer. But, Lake Martha (Warm Beach area) is open, and I will check it within the next couple weeks for sure. Next week, probably not as I'm workin six days, arrrg. Not my usual schedule, that's for sure. Oh yeah Joe, check my secret lake post to see the Crappie I got into a few weeks back. Of course, I did go to that same spot, three more times within two weeks, same conditions, water/weather, but those times, no results. Great fun.