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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Rufus Woods Lake Report
Douglas County, WA


Rainbow Trout
Mack's Wedding Ring

Went to Rufus Woods lake on Saturday. It was pretty cold, 19 degrees when we got there. We launched at the launch on the south side of the lake just above the dam. The launch was very icy, four wheel drive a must and luckily I brought along a bag of sand. Got us and several other trucks back up the ramp. Fishing was pretty good. We trolled with wedding rings and worms and also a sinking fly line and muddler minnows or black wolly buggers. Caught our limit of two fish each. Nothing big, all about 4 pounds. Nice fat fish. Had several on that took line then broke off my leader. Never saw them but felt like good fish. This was our first time there so we really didn't know where to fish but trolled from the launch about a mile up the lake on the south side then went across to the north side and came back to Bridgeport state park. Had our limit and were cold so we quit. Its a long drive from Snohomish for one day but would do it again. Maybe next week.


1/1/2008 9:25:00 PM
man i live right near snohomish and have been wanting to go to rufus, but i dont drive cause im only 17! but thats a great fishing! Your limit of 4 pounders, nothing to complain about even though there are way bigger fish in there! Wat pound leader were u using that got broke off by some fish?
1/2/2008 12:03:00 AM
I was using 4 lb leader. Going to change to 8 next time
1/2/2008 12:53:00 PM
Jordan0202, Normally there is a large 55 gallon barrel of sand a the ramp. You need to bring your own shovel, but I have never seen the sand out.

Was the sand gone, or did you not know to look? If it is gone, I have connections to get more sand placed there. Send me a PM if you would to let me know.
1/2/2008 1:07:00 PM

The barrel was totally empty - just the Folgers can remained. We used some of our bag of sand on the ramp and it really helped several boaters, then left the remainder of the bag in the barrel for the next time it was needed. I think I'll take a bag each time I go, just in case. If the barrel is empty again, I'll be covered. If not, it's cheap insurance. Bob
1/3/2008 8:53:00 AM
I've been fishing Rufus for four years now. The hottest time is January. I caught a 15.2 pnd trout last year using a black jig with a night crawler on it. I'm on my way for my once a year trip on Saturday. Fish on Soltysik
Bob R
1/6/2008 8:20:00 AM
Bob R
1/6/2008 8:30:00 AM
My wife and I are planning a trip to Rufus next week, we have a 15 ft. Old Town flat back canoe with a 4 hp. outboard, a cannon mini downrigger ,and a portable bottomfinder.Any tips would be appreciated as it is our 1st trip there, coming from Elma, WA.. We plan on fishing out of bridgeport state park, we will be there 2 or 3 days as it really is a long drive and all the reports we read say it certainly is worth the effort.We will use artificials with single barbless hooks, looking for tips, Thanks!
Bob R
1/6/2008 8:37:00 AM
My wife and I will be going to Rufus for a couple of days next week.We will be fishing out of Bridgeport park using our Old Town 15 ft. canoe with a 4 hp.engine.We have a portable bottomfinder and a cannon mini downrigger .We plan on using artificials with barbless hooks .We are driving all the way from Elma,WA., about 35 miles east of Olympia ,any tips for `1st timers?
1/6/2008 9:58:00 AM
bob rao go straight across from the state park to the other side of the river you will see a water run off pipe troll from that down to the other launch dont fish on the bridgeport state park side you wont catch much
1/6/2008 12:43:00 PM
bob rao, Bridgeport state park and the boat launch there are closed until March 31st. Go across the bridge to Bridgeport and take the first road to the left, Pearl hill road, the launch is about a mile down that road on the left. When we were there the launch was very icy. I would not attempt to launch without a four wheel drive vehicle. I'm going on the 8th. Good luck
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709