Rollin with Rolland
4/6/2008 10:31:00 AM
4/6/2008 10:44:00 AM
4/6/2008 2:12:00 PM
Rollin with Rolland
4/6/2008 2:42:00 PM
4/6/2008 9:08:00 PMNope, I did't measure the fish, never do, I like to weigh them and get them back in as quick as possible!
As far as tips?? Fish sloooow, look for the warmest water, try green and brown lures.....beyond that.....just get on the water!! I tried about six different rigs before hitting on the one I used, also tried five different color combo's! If you like fishing docks, hit Big Lake, logs and pilings try Clear Lake, if it gets warm this week you could even try spinnerbaits on little Beaver Lake which is right in between both of them??
Thanks for the comments....sorry again for the typo!! I WISH it was 67 degree water!!!