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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Alice Lake Report
King County, WA



Stationary Fly Fishing
Rainbow Trout
Sinking/Floating Fly Line

Went to Alice the other day to get some action in with some of the stockers. Me and my buddy Jacob hit the lake from morning till about 1. We caught a handful of fish stripping olive articulated bunny leaches in about 15 ft of water. The sun came out for a while and we enjoyed a beautiful day on the lake. It was about 11:30 when my buddy Jacob hit the jackpot and landed into this monster holdover rainbow. I never got a measurement on it but it was more than likely pushing over 20 inches. I thought he had a bass on the way his rod was bent over but I was shocked to see a rainbow. Put up one heck of a fight on his Sage 4wt. Just an unbelievable day out there, and a beautiful lake. The stockers run about 7-9 inches and don't put up much of a fight but are fun to catch nonetheless. Caught about 12 fish between the two of us. Here's a picture of the rainbow Jacob landed in the shallows with the sun glistening off the water.. (We released it by the way)


4/14/2008 7:04:00 PM
You do it again SmokinAces...you just might have hooked the largest rainbow I've ever seen caught in that lake. Just an absolute TOAD. Wow. Great work!
4/14/2008 7:24:00 PM
Gorgeous fish!
Jake Dogfish
4/14/2008 7:32:00 PM
Outstanding picture. Just hoping to get one like that makes fishing worthwhile.
Pho Tran
4/15/2008 6:58:00 AM
Awesome Alsakan Bow! It must have been pretty tired eh?
4/15/2008 10:57:00 AM
I know, I was suprised by how much color the thing had on it. I told my buddy later that he should've taken it to the taxidermist to get that bad boy mounted.
The Quadfather
4/15/2008 4:03:00 PM
Smokin'aces.. really great to see you sent that rainbow back for another time. Good work.
4/15/2008 7:56:00 PM
That is an awesome fish! I am going there tomorrow evening, Can't wait!
Rob G.
4/15/2008 8:33:00 PM
WOW....I've never seen trout that looks like that on this side of the mountains.......unbelievable catch there buddy........great job......I think
4/15/2008 10:03:00 PM
absolutely a beauty!!!!! nice pic
4/16/2008 8:24:00 AM
Great picture, thanks for letting it live another day....... you handled the fish in the classic way..... no harm
4/16/2008 3:20:00 PM
Was it just you and your buddy fishing that day? Nice pic gorgeous fish!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709