Rob G.
4/22/2008 1:43:00 PM
4/22/2008 5:47:00 PMnice job by the way, i think i will have to go their this weekend.

Big Fisher
4/22/2008 8:59:00 PM
trout slayer
4/23/2008 1:11:00 PM
4/24/2008 6:22:00 AMJust so you know, I have four boats and I am not new to fishing. I simply gave that description, so the person that has never been to Horseshoe Lake could get a specific location that I was fishing. (Not just fishing, but very successful!) I have fished damn near every lake in Cowlitz, Lewis, and Mason Counties. I have fished Coldwater, Castle, Tradedollar, Fawn, Forest and all points between. I fish the Columbia, Cowlitz,and Lewis. I run my boats from the ocean to Bonneville, chasing salmon and sturgeon. I have had my 20 North River Scout from Gearhardt to Barrier Dam...both ways. (That is on the Cowlitz for those that are not familiar with local rivers) I have fished on the Cowlitz since I was five years old, and I just turned 38. I fish with all the hoglines in the mouth of the Cowlitz and Columbia and Blue creek for winter steelies. As typed in my fishing report, my dog is named Scout, after my new boat. I am not new to fishing and am very respectful for those who do not have a boat. I have never pissed anyone off on the water and do not plan too.
As I typed, and you read, there were only 3 persons fishing on the sandy beach, near the skate board ramp. I did not know you would be critiquing everyones fishing report, if I knew this, I would have been more specific. So here you are: The three persons on the back were about 30 yards apart...leaving plenty of room between them. The guy that got a few Triploids while I was trolling was using about 2-3 oz. sinker, casting a considerable distance further than the other two. When I decided that the fish were hanging out of reach of two out of three of the bankies, I anchored my little boat about 30 yards further than the one was casting his 2-3 oz. sinker. I DID NOT anchor directly in front of any of the three men, I postitioned my boat between two of them, which were as stated, about 30 yards apart. (Plenty of room)
Just a thought for you, you throw 5 oz sinkers at 30-40 thousand dollar boats!!!! People can throw 185 gr. hollow points back at you with a lot more accuracy out of their .40 Glock.
T. Money