Rollin with Rolland
4/27/2008 11:50:00 PM
4/28/2008 12:24:00 AM
4/28/2008 12:42:00 AM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
The rain had just started when I arrived at the lake around 5:30 pm. There were at least a dozen other boats on the water. Shortly after launching, the rain REALLY started coming down. I had a feeling the rain wouldn't last and stuck it out. All but a few of the other anglers loaded up and went home. After about 20 minutes the rain subsided into occasional sprinkles, and the fish went crazy! Little stockers were literally jumping out of the water all over the lake! Since they were hitting topwater, I decided to troll a dick nite spoon with no additional weight. One side was orange and the other white (mid-size). I trolled just fast enough for the spoon to wobble instead of wiggle. BAM! That was the ticket! I caught at least 20 fish in a 2 hours -- including a couple of natives that were much darker than the stockers and very plump. I didn't have a cooler, so all fish were released to fight another day.
Prior to this trip, I had never caught anything with Dick Nite spoons and was beginning to wonder why they are so popular. Now I know! Under the right conditions, those little things really catch fish!
I found out the hard way that it isn't wise to use a rod holder when slow-trolling a very light lure. The fish were doing the ol "hit-n-spit" and I missed most of them. I switched to holding the rod in my hand so I could set the hook quickly and didn't miss many after that.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service