5/23/2008 7:51:00 PMWas a long time ago but fished that lake once and witnessed something I should share with you. There is a small cove not bigger than 12" on the left back side next to a dock that usually has poles and chairs on it but, using my fly rod caught a small bluegill while bringing it back to the boat a huge and I mean huge Smallmouth Bass just unloaded on this small fish but apparently not small enough to get into his mouth so released the bluegill. Thought I would get another smaller bluegill on to see if it would happen again. After being blown by wind over the spot where last incident happened I thought smallmouth would not come back so casted into little cove again this time caught smaller bluegill let him swim around in same area where bass just knocked the blank out of larger bluegill, paused the fish around there some more and nothing , gave the little guy a jerk to make him more again and nothing thought well spooked him off so started to bring in the little guy and saw movement below gave the little guy another jerk and here come that smallmouth with a vengence again but this time took the blugill and my popper with him. Man what a vicious strike. Well retied thought might as well try again. Another cast another small bluegill, started to let him swim around like the last one and nothing then little guy got nervous started swimming for the shore then a big wake started coming from behind and the chase was on, gave the little guy slack and the little guy was going like crazy as this smallmouth gave chase it was a sight to see. I pulled the little guy away because I didn't want him to get eaten. Brought him into the boat and thought about rigging him up with a hook but thought otherwise because it is illegal to use other fish as bait. By this time it was getting dark so wrapped it up but, bet those people who fish that little dock have caught little ones and start to bring them in when this smallmouth probably hit the little guys and that is how he got so big and I mean big. Just seeing that smallmouth in the water I would not doubt that he could be a State record! I know down in the water they tend to look bigger but I'm sure he was all of 7LBs. if not more. Also to make sure your in the right cove there was a submerged log with couple branches coming off of it just to put you in the right spot. If you happen to go there and catch him let me know of the story. By the way that had to be 5 years ago or so, alot could have happened by then and this is the first time I've ever written about this unimaginable happening and will never forget it. Till then dude, Tight lines. Basser 61.

Trent Hale
5/23/2008 9:54:00 PM