muskie guy
5/26/2008 9:36:00 PMdilbert
5/27/2008 8:22:00 AMSki
5/27/2008 1:23:00 PMCongrats again and thanks for all the praise for being a good net man. The truth that everyone should understand is that when you fish with someone as fun, experienced and nice as Mark - the least anyone could do was be the best net man ever if needed. Mark shared countless personal musky hot spots with me and has become a great friend. That also goes for Todd Reid. So far, all the members if the NW Tiger Pac have been awesome! If you haven't joined yet, you better! Thanks again Mark, congrats and I am honored evry time I step in your boat - Craig.
5/27/2008 8:00:00 PMi cant seem to get one over 21 pounds.
i guess i gotta find the hot spots.
got any tips??