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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Cranberry Lake Report
Island County, WA


Rainbow Trout

I took my buddy (who is also my boss at work) and his 8 year old son to Cranberry Lake this morning, on the water by 9:00 am. Water was 63 degrees F. The youngster had never fished before and had never been in a boat but had wanted to give it a try for about the last 2 years. Needless to say, he was very excited to have the opportunity and I was not about to let he or his dad down. I choose Cranberry Lake because it has been a great producer for me for around 30 years now. I fish it every year (this time of year) and always do well. We trolled the Dick Nite spoon (frog and pearl) which I mention in every report I post on this lake. Right off the bat while teaching the youngster how to let his line out to troll this lure, my poll tip starts bouncing (I wasn’t holding it at the moment), and the first fish has hooked itself. I handed the poll to the boy and he reels in his first ever fish like a pro. His dad has a smile on his face from ear to ear. Other than reminding him to keep his rod tip up, he was a natural. In the next 2 hours we had several bites and my buddy’s son caught 5 fish, 3 on his own, hooked and netted all by himself. At the end of the trip, I had this little guy take the rear seat to run the electric motor and my boat back to the launch. While in transit, his dad, filming the event, asked his son what he liked best about the trip. He grinned and said, “driving the boat.” We laughed and took lots of pictures throughout our time on the water. Dad filmed his son catching two of his son’s fish all by himself and was big time proud. I don’t have kids by choice, and must admit I had an absolutely great time teaching this little guy something I love to do and have been doing since I was 5 years old. I’ve been friends with my buddy for 20 years and he and his son were a pleasure to spend time with. I think the little guy is hooked. I know after 38 years of fishing I sure am. So the little guy and his dad went away with great memories, 5 nice rainbows for the BBQ, and a new ultra light rod / reel combo from my collection which I gave the little guy. Before driving off, while shaking my hand the little guy thanked me and told me he had, “the best time he has ever had in his life” and he would never forget it. Talk about rewarding! The pleasure was mine, I thought as I got in my rig and drove home from the park and ride where we had met half way. What a trip.


5/30/2008 10:25:00 PM
Dave, out of all the posts I have ever read on this site, this is by far the best i think I have ever read. I admire those who help the young ones out there. I have taken my son to the dock numerous times and have always had great luck but for the other lil guys I come across Im always trying to help by passing them some of the bait my son and I use to help produce fish for them. I think what you did is awsome!!! That is how I got started in fishing was from 1 person out there showing me the best time I had ever had. That lil guy will remember you for life. As they say, "give someone a fish they eat for a day, teach someone to fish they eat for a lifetime".
5/30/2008 10:47:00 PM
Good looking out Dave...
big fish lite line
5/30/2008 10:54:00 PM
thats great!
way to show them a good time
Rob G.
5/31/2008 8:02:00 AM
Your the feakin' man Dave! Way to go...
6/5/2008 10:09:00 AM
Back on days off and wanted to say thanks to you guys for your kind words and responses. It was a great trip and very rewarding. Thanks again.
6/27/2008 8:56:00 AM
I am a 25 year old man learning, and teaching my 6 year old son at the same time. I went out to cranberry the last two days and fished off the dock... I have about 5 hours invested while using nightcrawlers and sunk about 2-5 feet in all directions off the dock... in that 5 hours we have got but 1-2 nibbles. Got any tips for the dock? It would def be rewarding to my kids and myself to actually pull something out.
big fish lite line
7/21/2008 5:13:00 PM
I stopped fishing that lake do to the current algee bloom. I would recommend trying a different lake ShaunWifeand3boys
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709