Rollin with Rolland
7/7/2008 12:11:00 AM
Rosann G
7/7/2008 6:48:00 PMStay safe during your deployment and thank you for your service to America.

7/7/2008 10:16:00 PMLOL!! What did you get? My user name...or? I really hope it will get better. The boaters here really torque me off something fierce. Not all boaters...just those that blatantly operate their boats too close. My pontoon is quite stable and can handle some large wakes, but that's when I'm not loaded down with all my stuff. What happens if I had my battery, cooler, gear...myself? Some of the wakes getting thrown my way were well over 2', almost 3' from the top to the trough. Makes for an interesting ride...in particular if I don't notice them coming and take one broadside. Usually, I will keep an eye out and turn perpendicular to it and ride it out.
Rosann G-
I really hope more strict boater certification standards keeps some boneheads off the water. I haven't been navigating the water much, plus with time limits I haven't considered taking any classes just yet. Once I return next year I will definitely look at taking a class myself. Somewhere in the forums I read they can be taken online...which might be an option, especially if I have some down time.
Thanks, all! Save some fish for me! Take care and be safe!

7/8/2008 3:54:00 AM
7/8/2008 9:22:00 PMToss in the garbage dump that rings the fishing spots along the lake.... what a trash heap. This lake used to be fun to fish but the ignorants have ruined it for everyone. Sorry you had to ruin your day with such immature behavior from those who think water is just another place to act like a jerk.
Be safe on your tour of duty and if you get back this way look for a small yellow boat working the flat out from the boat launch in the evenings. I'd be glad to run block from the wakes.