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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Potholes Lake Report
Grant County, WA



All Day

Spent the weekend at Potholes. Pretty slow fishing. We managed to hook into 3 Largies, best two shown here (First one caught on a BrushHog and the other on a Creature bait). We also hooked into a 2.5lb smallie amongst 20+ dink smallies. Sweet lake but would've liked more action. Water temp was around 74-75 all weekend with constantly changing conditions. We'll be back.


Bigbass Dez
7/7/2008 4:03:00 PM
NICE GREEN FISH !! did you fish the beaver huts ? how deep was your bigger fish ? did the bite dye off after 9am ? p.m. me if need be ..good job out there bro . DEZ
7/8/2008 7:31:00 AM
Dez - we didn't really get to fish as much of the lake as we would've liked (we got rained off the lake Friday and we had to entertain the ladies as well). So we didn't fish, or even notice for that matter, any beaver huts (although, now I can see one in a picture I took of the lake). All BigMouth's were caught in about 5-10 ft of water. My first one came about 15 out of the brush to hit my creature after I yanked it out of his mouth on my first hook set. I don't recall the bite dying off after 9 am but thats mainly because it was slow, making it hard to tell when exactly the bite stopped. Smallies were hitting all day long. You fish this lake much?
Bigbass Dez
7/8/2008 11:17:00 AM
No ill be there this coming up weekend to pre-fish, i have a tourney there at the end of this month .. Everyone always says to fish the beaver huts on that lake ...glad to hear you had fun on the lake , and off the lake aswell ..lol .. thanks bro take care ..
7/8/2008 11:27:00 AM
No problem, thanks for the beaver hut advise! A bunch of us are going back there on the 19th/20th. Good luck this weekend, let me know how you do!
7/9/2008 9:35:00 PM
Looks like you were fihising lend coolieam i right? there are nice fish in there but i dont think the huts are in there. I am certin that there are quite a few huts back in the sand dunes, Way way back in. Need a nice boat for that though. Not like my lil 12 foot aluminum.
Ya those are nice healthy look fish. No smallies huh? Top waters working at all?
7/23/2008 4:04:00 PM
guys its called lind coulee or as i named it dead horse canal because of a dead horse that floated down up closer to warden.have you tried banks lake?it holds the recvord lm bass.
Mr. Magler
7/23/2008 5:24:00 PM
bazzdude - we caught plenty of dink smallies, along with a couple 2-3lbers. We only had one strike on a topwater (buzzbait).

jrister - Banks Lake is awesome! Edgeran pulled a lunker largie out of there last summer. Eastern WA kicks arse this time of year!
8/6/2008 10:52:00 AM
Nice job guys,..bassfanatic and myself will be there 23rd-25th for some Fam-Bam-Fishin-Fun,..hope we get some Lunkers!

8/6/2008 10:56:00 AM
BH,..stop playin around with my comp,..hey guys BH is my nephew new to the site and playin around,..it's ok I thumped him in the head for playin around,..anyways yes your coming to Potholes with us.

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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709