7/8/2008 4:49:00 PM
7/8/2008 7:55:00 PM
7/9/2008 8:09:00 AMTravis - what is rainbait? I googled it and couldn't find anything. Next time I'll keep the Tench, can you eat them?

Paul & Sammi
7/10/2008 12:38:00 AMTench are a green/gold colored fish with orange eyes, smooth skin like a catfish and look similar to a carp. We have caught them in horseshoe, eloika and fan lakes. Biggest were 15-16 inches and maybe 2lbs. Good fighters. The meat is decent if you want to fillet out all the bones. LOTS of bones.

7/10/2008 8:28:00 AMI just read a funny recipe for Tench - carefully fillet the fish and nail to a oak board- smoke the fish while attached the the board, remove the fish, throw away, and eat the board.