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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Rock Lake Report
Whitman County, WA



Took the kids out to Rock Lake on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Haven't really figured this lake out yet. Tried trolling a bit with worm and spinners, but no bites and the kids quickly tired of that. So we motored down to the far (North) end of the lake and enjoyed the views of the cliffs. Rock lake is an amazing place, geographically! Stopped and fished some coves and hooked up with a few bass and sunfish using worms. Kids got interested again. Came back to the south end of the lake and fished the large inlet to the west of the launch area. Hooked up with some more small bass, a perch and a few sunfish, again using worms. I hear of people catching crappie and perch there, but our efforts to locate them weren't rewarded. Water was clear, average level. Talked with another boater at the launch who gave some tips on trolling. Said to use maggots on a triple teaser, about 5 colors out with leaded line. There's 3 things I'll need to get now!
Launching the boat got easier since I added a hitch to our 4wd SUV instead of my 2wd pick up! I Like this lake. Lot's of mysteries still to figure out, especially to keep the kids interested with catching fish.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709