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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Fan Lake Report
Pend Oreille County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

We hit Fan at 9 am. My neighbor and my 4 year old son piled into the scoobie-noe and set sail for adventure- and found none. With all the submerged logs and bays this lake looked like a bass haven, but not for us. We tried spinners, plastics, spoons, surface, deep- got a goose egg today. We did get 1 small perch trolling with a spinner and my neighbor hooked into a bluegill, but that was it. Kind of breezy today and in the mid 70's.
While going through the narrow part of the lake between the upper and lower sections, my neighbor needed a rest stop, so we beached right next to the rope swing on the west side. When we got off the boat, we saw a fire ring that was still smouldering and the pine needles and small wood chips in the area outside the ring were catching as well. They had left behind a plastic monarch vodka jug which was lucky because we cut the top off and used it to douse the fire completely. Had we not seen the fire, it would have gone up the hill and into the brush. Something tells me that the ones responsible don't read or post here, but if they do, DEAD OUT means DEAD OUT! Your stupidity almost started a forest fire!!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709