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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Washington Lake Report
King County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Smallmouth Bass

Launched at Magnuson around 4:30, surrounded by sport boaters. The water was pretty choppy. This time around we decided to head north for a little bit. 10 minutes in, my fishing jerk, uhh, I mean buddy, landed a 3.5 pound SMB. We were both trolling cranks. I had on a wally diver and he was using some other brand, with a wide lip, light colored. Keep in mind we have no depth/fish finder, so we're guessing depths based on weed visualization or not. Nothing more was caught going north. On the way back passed the launch, the jerk caught another one, this time about 4 pounds, with the same crank. Meanwhile, I tried switching to my Rapala Deep diver, but still nothing.

On the south end of the launch, we fished docks using Senkos and misc. gear, with nothing more than dinks. We trolled back with cranks, but got nothing.

1st picture is the 3.5 lb SMB. 2nd picture is 4 lb LMB from Aug. 2nd, at Samammish. Caught by the same jerk!

I gave this three stars, because at least someone in my boat caught fish. Shouldn't the boat owner come first? WTF?


8/8/2008 8:06:00 AM
Not bad Snoho,..not bad at all,..!

8/8/2008 10:24:00 AM
Wait a minute....im that jerk. He's just mad cuz i skunked him. The second smallie was a stud, right around 4.5# but the pic was a lil dark. Well be out again next week, might head down to Sawyer.
8/8/2008 10:33:00 AM
Hey Snoho and lowvw,..let me know when you guys head 2 Sawyer,..me, bassfanatic and Rods-n-Reels86 where there last week,.. I had motor problems and all we could do was troll 2 the right side of the launch towards the islands and barely made it back,..I couldn't even focus on fishing cuz I was so pissed about the boat,..all we caught was some Perch and 2 small Crappie,..so I need 2 get even,..LOL,..so let me know,..mayybe we can meet there! Snoho you gonna let low talk trash to you like that,..LOL!

8/8/2008 10:36:00 AM
Were planning on heading down on Saturday the 15th. Its been about 5/6 years since ive fished down there, but ive seen some 7+ swimmin around so its worth a shot.
8/8/2008 10:39:00 AM
Were planning on heading down on Saturday the 15th. Its been about 5/6 years since ive fished down there, but ive seen some 7+ swimmin around so its worth a shot.
8/8/2008 10:40:00 AM
OK,..picking up my parts for the boat today,..I'll let my guys know and we'll plan on seeing you there,..sounds like fun!
8/8/2008 12:03:00 PM
Yeah, we've been stuck using trolling only lately, because I broke my prop and my 4HP isnt running quite right. Hopefully I get both things fixed soon.
8/8/2008 6:38:00 PM
tell that "jerk" hes retarded and NOBODY likes him!!! Tell him, to hang himself and stop taking pictures of fake fish! OH AND GROWN SOME HAIR! lol Naw, j/p. Good job, them are some nice smb!!!
8/11/2008 9:30:00 AM
Hey Steve....i can grow plenty of hair....just not where i want it. If your man enough to go to Banks with us, ill show you how to catch some real fish. ........
8/11/2008 9:39:00 AM
My 8 year old is going too, so watch out for beginners luck!
Gringo Pescador
8/11/2008 2:05:00 PM
Hair is overrated. Bald guys catch more fish anyway..
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709