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Riffe Lake Report
Lewis County, WA




After reading the advice I received from some other fishermen who wrote to me earlier, I tried out their suggestions. It worked great. My grandson and I went to Riffe lake August 3rd and caught our limit before 11am. He caught the biggest, a 16 inch land locked sockeye, the rest were silvers. We both caught our limit and half were over 12 inches. It was a great day sunny and not much wind.

On August 7th we went again to Riffe Lake with my wife and our two friends. We started fishing around 9:30am and nothing was biting so we moved across the lake and halfway over we stated to pick them up. We continued to pick them up all day until all four of us had our limit. We were using pop gear and wedding rings of different colors, it didn't seen to matter what color we used. Most of the fish were silvers and around 8 inches, we did pick up one rainbow about 12 inches. We had a great day visiting with our friends and eating lunch on the boat. The weather was perfect, just a little breeze to keep us from roasting as it was sunny all day. What a beautiful lake, almost had it to ourselves, very little boating activity that day.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709