10/4/2008 12:21:00 PM
10/4/2008 4:35:00 PMfishnislife

10/4/2008 5:49:00 PM
10/4/2008 8:36:00 PMThanks for the report, that sure helps!

Rollin with Rolland
10/5/2008 8:48:00 AMYeah G-man, the kokanee were all about 10.5". Nice fat little chunky fish though...two of them had eggs in them, so now I got some fresh river bait as well !! I actually went off your report a bit G-man, so thanks!!
SWJ- I was at the south end of the northern bowl. PM me for a more exact location.
Some smallies would have been nice....I guess there is always today!!

10/5/2008 12:25:00 PMPlus, I don't know how to "PM" you.