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Beaver Lake Report
King County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Boat
Rainbow Trout
Power Bait

OK this is a long report. But you might find it humorous. ?
I hit the lake around 9am with my son. It was the busiest I have ever seen Beaver. The day started out bad, we left the house at 7am. I live 40 minutes from Beaver Lk. Do the math. *sigh*
When we got there I tested the trolling motor and it wouldn't run. I had my oars so thought that would be OK to troll with. I could use the exercise. I had already parked the car a mile away so I didn't take the battery and trolling motor back to the car.
Got on the water and realized this boat doesn't have oar locks. So the oars kept popping out of the holes. *sigh*
I have two small boats. I didn’t use the other one because it has a hole in it from another trip a few weeks ago and I haven’t patched it up yet.
Got some wire and jimmy rigged the oars and started to troll a little.
Then I looked up at the boat launch and saw a battery sitting there on the shore. *sigh*
I couldn’t leave the battery there so we went back in and a nice fellow that was shore fishing at the launch handed me the battery.
Got back out and trolled for a couple hundred feet when my oars started popping out again because my jimmy rigged system broke. *sigh*
Found a friend of mine still fishing with another friend and tied up to his boat for an hour or so. Watched those two (and their kids) catch about 12 bows on power bait. My son and I were using the same thing and couldn't get the fish interested. *sigh*
My son was moaning and groaning about being cold and not catching anything. He wanted to troll or fish somewhere else. (I was not the one berating my kid. I saw that guy too.)
While we sat there I dinked around and got the trolling motor working. ? So we took off and trolled to the other end of the lake were it was just as busy as the other end.
The people at this end were a little nicer and gave up a lot of info on how they were catching fish.
Then my son had to pee so we nosed into some trees overhanging the water and took care of that.
I was readjusting myself on my seat when the corner of the boat went in the water. *sigh*
Got a wet butt and took on about 2 inches of water. Oh and soaked our bagged lunch *sigh again*
Trolled back towards my buddies and finally hooked into a fish. (Hooked on a small hotshot brown/green in color). My son netted it for me and did a fine job of that. It was about 3lbs. Finally, looked like things were going to get better. Then my son had to pee again. This time I told him to tie it in a knot. After a few minutes he decided to just let it loose over the side of the boat in all his glory.
Got back to my friends and they were just pulling up anchor to head home. They did very well. I think the total count was 18. 13 of those were better than 3 pounds each and a couple went close to 6lbs! 4 or 5 were carry over’s. They had their kids with them so they had 3 limits +3.
My son and I decided to fish off the bottom again with power bait for a little while. Then it started to rain. It was just a little spit but it was enough that my son started to whine again. *sigh*
We went home after that.
All in all a good day, just a little stressful from the boat problems and my sons whining.
Don't get me wrong. Take your kids fishing. It is worth it and a lot of fun to be with them. Just have a bigger boat and make sure they are comfortable.

Tight lines!


The Quadfather
11/10/2008 6:22:00 PM
Goingtofish,, I'm glad to hear that you caught something, and that your'e son got to experience netting the fish with you. Even though your day had it's challenges it sounds like you managed, and I think that as a parent it sounds like you rose above whatever difficulties came your way and I bet that your son doesn't remember the rain or his bladder...he just remembers the size of that fish! thanks for the report.
11/17/2008 4:21:00 PM
where is the bost ramp I went Sunday and I didn't see anywhere to launch my boat it is on a trailer is this possible
11/20/2008 4:37:00 PM
If you found the park then your half way there. Drive past the park all the way around the lake. The launch is directly across from the park.

Have fun!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709