blufin loui
1/15/2009 9:12:00 PMWhen you publish you new book (probably going to be called THE JDAAAWG PREVARICATOR), I got to have the first issue. LOL
Hey Man, it was way cool meeting you guys. The "poor soul" needs to tape his right arm behind his back, and fish one handed. The RW Monster Fish need a slower hooksett reaction, and he is just way to trigger happy. All those bites he missed were probably 20 pounders. :0)
Nice fish, and Great report
Fish on dudes
1/15/2009 10:44:00 PMblufin loui
1/19/2009 6:46:00 AMHe's great at fishing and story telling, but you might have to settle for an issue with an "X" mark. LOL
Great group of fishermen.