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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sequalitchew Lake Report
Pierce County, WA


Top Fishing From Shore

Having recently found employment on Ft. Lewis, I decided to check this lake out on the advice of an acquaintance.... met at said job.
Obtaining a "range pass" proved to be an ordeal(a million "thank you's" to the soldiers at "Range Control" for going out of their way to help me out!!!) so, my morning "fishing" trip turned into an afternoon "scouting" trip.Well worth the hassle however. It is a beautiful lake.

I tied on an 1/8 oz. black/siver Roostertail and walked around the entirety of the lake. I was very impressed with amount of shoreline access and all the warm-water fish habitat. I also discovered a series of beaver ponds near Sequalitchew creek that warrant further inspection. The weather was cold and rainy with a tolerable wind, and the water ranged from clear to a dull "steelhead" green.

Didn't get a strike or see any activity. I did see however, something large and quick enough to leave a wake after shooting out from under a dock in one of the few fenced-off areas. It might have been a beaver, though I saw nothing of the sort surface the entire trip.

I only saw one other person out there, but he was nestled pretty deep in the brush along the shore, so I didn't feel comfortable "imposing on his solitude" to see how he was doing.

Weather permitting, I'll try and hit this lake again this week and give it a "thorough" once over.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709