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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

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Blackman's Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Boat
Rainbow Trout
Hook & Bait

Hit blackman's about 6:30am cruised around lake trying different trolling tecniques without any luck. I know what works on this lake and thats anything yellow and smells like corn. The trout will go nuts for this combo here on this lake. So My friend Mike and I headed to east in the lake and anchored right in front of the little inlet there. the water was about 2 to 3 degrees warmer in this area. First cast not even 30 seconds after wetting the bait "FISH ON" however it was a tiny little 10" hatchery rainbow (boring) after catching about twenty to thirty C&R (always) hatchery fish we decided to look for some bass beds although to cold for them to be spawning we managed to locate a few for next time. I promise if you wanna catch trout in this lake think corn scent as it has always been a goto for me in this lake and has never failed in producing fish.. Overall a good morning of fishing shakers and always a good time to be with friends on the water.
There was another boat up in the corner with us they were trolling flies and seem to be doing pretty well too... And people on the boat launch keeping those 8" trout Please dont waste your time killing those baby fish and release them for future catches where they may just be worth keeping...Thanks to all you C&R guys you know who you are........Fish on...........


4/13/2009 5:00:00 PM
I'm torn between wanting to commend you for your catch and release attitude and being irritated that catching (not keeping) any more than your daily limit (yes-- 20-30 exceeds the limit) with bait is considered poaching in this state.
4/13/2009 5:58:00 PM
And you know most of those fish are swallowing that bait.How are you releasing fish with your hook deep down their throat?
4/13/2009 10:16:00 PM
I feel an angler that practices C&R like myself know when a fish has swallowed the hook deep and theres no way to get it out with a hook out and you tear the guts you keep it. I will watch to see if the fish floats and if it does I keep it. Plus you should be using steel hooks that will rust when fishing in fresh water that way you just cut the line and let it go. The hook will rust fast when left in water not harming the fish. I think there are alot of things with the rules in this state that should be looked at. If at all possible I wont keep any fish under 14 inches planters are just too small for me. But Im not knocking others that do its all preferance. Happy fishing to every one
Jake Dogfish
4/14/2009 8:21:00 AM
You have got it backwards Alphafish. Its better to keep the stockers you catch using bait. They are meant to be kept and they will not all grow in to 10 pounders. If you catch more than 5 using bait or scent you are breaking the law!
4/19/2009 11:21:00 PM
I apologize for the descrepency not all the fish were caught on bait and that it came out in my post that I seemed to be using it while fishing the whole time. No first 6 (2 People fishing) caught on barbless circle hooks (only found online in smaller sizes) and the 2 that swallowed all the bait and were hooked in the gut were kept (Embarrassed that I killed and ate 2 trout) not released.And yes Im fully aware of the laws. I try to avoid letting them swallow hit and start reeling at first nibble. all but 2 of them were hooked in the side of the mouth and were released unharmed and giving me the middle fin as they swam away. I WOULD NEVER RELEASE A FLOATER I PROMISE...... The bait comment was for people wanting to catch fish consistently. As we both did not want to keep anymore than the two we had we switched to barbless single hook chartruese homemade wedding ring (shhhhhh dont tell anyone) where all them were hooked and released unharmed.. Im sorry for that misunderstanding as I should have been more clear in my post.. I appreciate the passion of the fisherman on here an thank them for making me aware of that descrepency in my report....
ALways barbless and I always C&R unless I have sent them to fish heaven.......Thank you and Fish on......
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709