Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
What to say about opening day weekend? How about this. We fished Liberty both days this weekend, arriving a little late on Saturday morning. I was worried about the launch as we pulled in at about 9:45a but that's when we entered the Twilight Zone. We were the ONLY BOAT TRAILER AT THE LAUNCH! Opening day morning at Liberty, (I know Liberty has been open) and there's no one there. I thought this might happen with all of those eager plant-to-catch slimers out there but this really freaked me out.
Anyways, on to the fishing. We did quite well on the bass this weekend but not without effort. The water temperatures actually fell all weekend and the bass did as well. We saw fish continually moving downward and offshore as the weekend progressed. Sunday was perhaps the slowest fishing but both pics came from then, (no camera on Saturday, Doh!). That;s my buddy Brian's personal best Bronzeback. Way to go Dude!
Anyways, the patterns still stand. Docks that can cover shallow to deep water, some fish even moved to offshore floating docks. We even picked up a couple of fish on some deepwater breaklines. It's like we backed up three weeks. I am bummed that I will not be able to fish next weekend because these fish are right on the brink of their final feedbag sessions before really staking out some spawn locations. Get out now for some great bass fishing! Trout are for kids!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service