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Beaver Lake Report
King County, WA


Rainbow Trout

I hit Beaver from about 10:00 to 12:30 om saturday and was able to hook about 20. I slow trolled a gold/nickel dick nite at speed one on my minnkota, but after a while I snagged it on the prop and had to cut it loose. I then used a pearl and redhead dick nite and then I hooked a few more. I hooked a ton of fish, but as I reeled them in they either jumped up and got loose or they shook the hook out. I was only able to bring 8 to the boat. Some just nibbled the hook lightly and I was unable to set the hook fast enough. I was using no weight, but apparently it was going fairly deep because something really weird happened. As I was heading in to call it a day, I snagged something really hard on the ground. I thought it was a log, so I tried reeling it up. It was really heavy, and eventually I was able to bring it close to the surface. As I brought it up, it appeared to be some kind of greenish handbag that had been on the lake floor for a very long time. As I was bringing it up, all of this debris started flying out of the bag. Once I got it to the surface, all this grease came out on the surface and the smell of rotting flesh stunk up the entire area. The grease kept expanding into a giant circle on the lake surface. I saw that my spoon was hooked to the handle, so as I reached to try to unhook it, part of the zipper came open. The smell just hit me even harder then and I gagged. As the zipper came open, I accidentally touched the slimy inner contents. I looked inside and I saw some big skin colored limbs of some sort inside. My blood started to pump and then I pulled even harder for the hook to come free, but it was stuck behind the barb into the handle. I was now about to puke my guts out from the smell, so I quickly grabbed my pliers and wrenched the hook out. I then took another good look at the flesh colored limbs inside, and as I studied it for a while, I realized that they had tiny scales. I then realized that somebody had caught 2-3 huge fish (3-5 pounders), put them in a bag, and then dropped them into the water. It probably was an accident, and I'm glad it wasn't something else. I then was able to have peace in my mind that I didn't have to call the cops. I then headed in to the boat launch, and about 50 feet away from the launch I hooked the last fish of the day, a 10" stocker. A great way to end the day. I saw a bald eagle, an osprey, a great blue heron, and some other unrecognizable brown bird of prey. The stink stayed in my nose for the rest of the day though.


5/3/2009 7:34:00 PM
OMG dude...believe it or not, that bag you caught was my buddy's. My buddy and I had caught 4 brooders after WDFW stocked it last November and that green bag came loose from our boat that we never found. As disgusting as it was to hear about your experience, I'm sort of relieved because I finally realized what happened to it. Thanks man!
5/3/2009 7:59:00 PM
LOL thats funny ! great report
5/3/2009 8:43:00 PM
What a story! Small world that WL.com connects, the miracle of the Internet. :)
Jake Dogfish
5/4/2009 10:25:00 PM
Wow! What a story! Thanks for sharing and great report.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709