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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Clear Lake Report
Pierce County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Shore
Rainbow Trout
Hook & Bait

Fellow Fishers,
Had a heck of a Sun. fishing. Started out beautiful, the sky, not the fishing, it stunk for us like a goose egg 0 nadda, zilth, you'll get the idea. Tried a little lake in Federal Way nothing, talked to boaters and they said the previous day in the bad weather they were bringing them into the boat as fast as they could get their lines back out. Also in previous years I use to do that but have choosen not to for some odd reason. The fish do bite up here better in the rain, just looking back at my experiences on lakes mostly I did have good to great days never a skunk. Chalk this one up as one day I would like to put way behind me, shoulda, coulda, woulda, but didn't take my pontoon boat, first wrong move, because buddy had no way of getting on the water, he also did not want to spend any money to fish from a resort dock, second wrong move, limited us to boat launches, tried everything bait wise at American boat launch Tillicum side, skunk smell that sure stinks, went to VA side nothing but boat launch ramps fenced off not open yet and not for fisherman unless you want to be elbow to elbow with boats I can't see fishing off them. Then went to McIntosh, favorite spot was packed looked like Nisqually river fishing combat style, walked the banks, couldn't make a cast at most of them, brush overhead, brush limbs lillies you name it made it difficult just to get your line out, let alone get it back in without snagging, by the way thanks to the people we met on the path that said they had walked just about the whole side and encountered the same thing, saved us walking and wasting time. Decided on Lawrence and Clear, hit Lawrence nothing, same with other bank fishers. Talked to boaters several catches nothing big and not a lot of numbers ither. Then went to Clear lake, only one bite by a lady and she said that is all it did, no hook up. Boaters still fishing and trolling had some fish but nothing to brag about. Guess I should have gone Sat. in the nasty stuff, gotta get wet sometimes to catch em, all in all though it was a postcard day and just chalk up that day for experience. At least get your buddy to give up 5 dollars or pay his way to go to a dock spot, your chances increase since your a little futher out, like at Clear lake the fish were feeding just 25 yards or so futher out. Just not acustomed to getting SKUNKED. you smell something its still me stinking gotta go fishing now get this smell off me and start stinking like Fish like I caught something know what I mean. Tight Lines and remember release the big ins and eat the little ones, better tasting any hoot, so you and your kids, kids might catch them later and put a smile on your face like the one your face has on it from the ones you caught. Later, taters and tots Good Luck


5/6/2009 7:16:00 AM
That was an all day fishing trip! Were you at Clear Lake in Thurston County or Pierce. Clear lake in Thurston is closer to Long lake...
Trent Hale
5/6/2009 9:06:00 AM
I will say { GOT BOAT } well you gave it your all and thanks for tring. You just may have to come up to Kitsap and I will try to put you on some dinks. I went out Monday and did well only caught two but they were more than the avg dink one at 6 and the other at 4.5. Caught the smaller one on a 5" spook that was cool for my first top water fish of the year. See ya soon, hey and your line is way to tight.
5/6/2009 9:58:00 AM
Well, you know what they say, "at least you weren't at work!" Very good report though.
5/7/2009 10:24:00 AM
Toni, Iwas at Clear Lake in Pierce by Bald Hills or is that in Thurston? Not the one off Meridian, one close to Lawrence.
Trent, Got Pontoon, just didn't bring it, next time buddy can fish the bank while I'm taking out the Poon, So sorry you do not want to spend a buck or two on a tube, talked to this buddy last night said I would help him make a good float tube out of a giant tractor tube and he still responded like he did not want to, so whatcha going to do, your right though wound up to tight, little bit frustration due to lack of work, and weather but sounds to much like an excuse. Glad to hear your doing good though. Have to go in the next couple of days to redeem myself, just reading other reports is a lift.
Procaster: Your right I should be grateful I had a day to go and beats work anyday but work has been slow and cabin fever sets in, tight on doe, sh-- - like that but thanks for the comment pick me up, looking forward now to the next time.
5/7/2009 10:40:00 AM
I'm in need of some kinda salvation from my last outing so I'll go this weekend if you want to come here. Otherwise I will probably go somewhere else and leave them for the next time, do want to get to be be greedy all alone, besides I take lousy pictures trying to hold the pole and keep the phone camera on the fish at the same time. Let me know, Later
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709