5/27/2009 12:54:00 AM
5/27/2009 12:59:00 AM
5/27/2009 8:49:00 AM
Shadow Caster
5/27/2009 12:02:00 PM
5/27/2009 2:16:00 PM
5/27/2009 9:41:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
First report in a loooong time for me, but, I have a promise to keep. The only bad thing is I can't get the photo's to upload on my crappy old computer!! So words will have to do the job.
I took my wife and 5yr old son up to Goodwin to harvest some smallmouth, I talked them into a quick trip for the sole purpose of being able to keep three legal size smallies instead of 1, and with the fish still being on beds, I knew even my 5yr old could catch one. We launched fairly early trying to beat the heavier boat traffic to get our fish and get home!
Motored from the launch up into cove #2 and began the scan, didn't take long. The first fish I caught was just barely legal and I knew we could do better, sure enough I ended up with a decent 18 incher off a bed in the very back of the cove. I set my wife up on the next bed and she boated a beauty, about four pounds! I was throwing in a bright orange power worm and just kept throwing it with uncanny skill and preciscion until the fish got angry and snapped at it:)
I casted for my little one then handed him the pole, once I had the fish pretty upset, I would just tell him to reel and when I said PULL HARD he did, he could barely hold onto the thing, it was quite funny. A nice three and a half pounder!! A quick bash on the smallie's head and we were headed for the launch, dinner in hand.
The great thing about the morning was it didn't take long at all and so the fam didn't get bored. Plus my wife enjoyed using my sunglasses and watching the fish take the worm, it was cool!
They made six nice meaty fillets and the two we ate tasted great! I put the third one in the freezer until I can add some largemouth and perch!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service