6/3/2009 3:44:00 PM
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
After trying to lauch at kilarny and almost getting stuck , My wife and I crossed the street and hit Geneva. Seen a few active fish swimming shallow , but the jig and pig was not tempting to them today. I tried a few other set ups , lizards, craws , no strikes. Seen some more fish hanging in some lillys. Wifey caught her first LMB today on a berkly jigger craw green pumpking. Hurray =) , She didn't aprove of the picture for the internet and scolded me on my camera skills lol. I decided to try out one of the new berkley rage tail worms 10". Bamb first cast I had 3 nice size largies racing to my bait , saddly the smallest one got the bait first. , I said to my wife I think I found some thing they like =) . Landed a few more 3 in all for me and 1 for my wife , all fish were around 2 pounds. Fished from 6pm to 8:45 . Not a bad little lake , seems to hold some decent fish.
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service