Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service
Josh, Jr & myself headed out just after 630 to enjoy some fishing. We started the morning off at Limrick lake, got out to our spot, not haveing any breakfast yet we started talking about how good it sounded and well needless o say not even being out there or 45 minutes we headed in to go to town to get some breakfast. As we was leaveing, JR landed a nice rainbow, took that as a sign not to leave but we did anyways lol. Soooo after getting a bite to eat, we headed over to Island lake, about 830'ish. The day was overcast, windy most of the day. We cought only one rainbow, about a 2 pounder. Rest of the day we cought nothing but perch. We landed well over 40 of them all day. They was small but it was a blast just catching those guys as they made the day go by fast & very enjoyable. So that is why we have it a 5. There was a couple of other boats out there fishing, a couple out playing but for the most part they stayed away and allowed us to have our space. I dont recall haveing this much fun catch perch since i was a kid, seemed like they was just everywhere! Tight Lines!
Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service