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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Long Lake Report
Kitsap County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

First one on my new fishing pole and new digital scale-4.17 pounds


6/19/2009 9:32:00 AM
Good job Scott ... nice to hook into a nice fish on the new pole! I think I met you up at Long a couple weeks back when Jerry and I were hitting the lake on our tubes.
Ditch Pickler
6/19/2009 7:06:00 PM
Good job but that scale might be broken if read out 4.17. I dont think digital scales have ounce readouts higher than 15oz

4lb.17oz would be a 5lb.2oz bass if im correct but my math and knownledge of scales are very poor hahah

GJ agian...!!!
Trent Hale
6/19/2009 10:57:00 PM
Right on Scott !
6/19/2009 11:21:00 PM
Didn't they ever teach you decimals in school, Basstradamus? 4.17 is 4 pounds and 17/100ths of a pound, or almost one fifth of a pound. If a pound is 16 ounces, one fifth of that is approximately 3 ounces, so that 4.17 is essentially 4 pounds and 2.75 ounces, give or take :)
scott stacy
6/20/2009 2:06:00 AM
You guys are killing me with the math man.I like your math on that Basstradamus 5.2OZ that sounds better to me.Unfortinatly it was only 4.17 may bee I missed a number,its digital I read just enough of the manual to set it to pounds. Now I will need to read the instruction book{thanks} and even open my kids math book. Either way it probably weighed on can light of a six pack.
Bisk1tSnGrav- Were you the one who held the boat for me by chance?You guys usually come in early in the morning? I was thinking about getting a float tube myself.
Trent-Thanks for leaving me a fish out their to catch.I caught that one after I had seen you out their and had already worked the lake over.
6/24/2009 1:08:00 PM
Photo added.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709