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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Trout Lake Report
King County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

BassDood and I were going to meet up and do a little fishing before I head out to Oregon on vacation. He ended up having a breakdown with his car which in a weird way made me feel a little better because I kept thinking I gave him bad directions. Seriously hope the car is an easy fix and doesn't hurt the wallet too much. Made it to the lake at around 4:30 and saw that AaronE was also there. We hit the water and enjoyed the nice subtle breeze (LOL) as we fished. We took off to the right as we worked our way around. I am starting to wonder if there is something about going to the right ... we do it at Trout, Long and did it at Bay. I do it at Spanaway, Lake in the Weeds and Lake in the Woods ... hmmm. Anyways, fished almost the first half of the lake and nothing. AaronE was reminded how sharp braid can be when he cut his finger on a hang-up. He took off tired of fighting the wind and I continued around the lake. On the opposite side of the lake it was a little more sheltered from the wind. In the left corner I caught two small dinks. Well at least they were fish ... lol. A little further down off of one of the docks I missed a good hit. It is that ... hmmm what are the trout fishers doing? Look at the pretty clouds? Why do they call oranges oranges? Oh wait that’s a fish ... set the hook! Set the hook!! All the voices scream ... but just a little late. Still a good time on the water as always. I respooled one of my bait casters that afternoon before coming out. Before the reel was spooled at about 25% of capacity and I had gotten a birds nest the trip prior and snagged the line with the pic. All day I was it will be okay ... then the voices spoke up and said ... yep okay until you hook into that 5 pounder you are looking for. So I stripped the line and respooled and filled the reel. I never knew how much improvement was gained in casting distance with the filled spool. So yet another thing learned this time out. And now I only have a week before I can make it out and fish again ... tries to keep the shakes manageable ... LOL.


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709