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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Silver Lake Report
Cowlitz County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass
All Day

Got to Public launch at 5 a.m. with water temp at 63 degrees. Alge bloom was on so water was green with visabilty looking down in water was only about 6 inches. Tried crankbaits, sinkos, jigs, and tubes all the same no hits on these lures. found fish really shallow 1 to 2 foot deep mostly by some kind of edge weed line,log edge, and dock edge. Caught one fish on spinner bait but the lure for the day fished shallow was a home made chatter bait in black and blue color with a black pork trailer. Caught 5 fish in the 11/2 pd range with one larger fish weighting in at 6lbs 2ozs. Fish hit at edge of boat just as i was going to lift lure out of water so got to see fish hit lure and surge off peeling some drag but turned around and burned back to side of boat and thrashed along side of boat for a little bit and had to only reel a couple of turns to land. As usual all fish were released.Found water at the middle of the day in places at 80 degrees.End of day 6 P.M. water temps was at 75 degrees at public launch. Was surprised to find hardly any bass boats on lake but quite a few Crappie and Bluegill fisjermen Weather was in the 80's with a slight breeze.


6/30/2009 9:43:00 PM
Oh man...nothing ruins a good fishery quite like an algae bloom!
7/6/2009 10:24:00 PM
Photo added.
7/10/2009 11:56:00 PM
Hey Dave nice job I sent ya message, I fish silver every weekend i think i have seen you out there in a alum boat with a flag on it? I was wonderin if ya would like to maybe fish together sometime. let me know thanks sean
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709