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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Bitter Lake Report
King County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

Went out again in search of some of the LMB I know are in bitter lake...all I got on my senko was some rock bass. I tried some drop shotting and got nothing, threy some spinner...nothing...trolled some spinners got some hits but was all rockbass. on the oppossite side of the lake from the park there is part of the lake that is about 15ft deep and pretty covered in moss weeds at the bottom. I have caught 2 LMB in this area and today.....i had my senko worm about 2 feet in the water over the boat while i was messing with my anchor and this big bass swims right up about 2 feet from it then went under the boat and disappeard.......talk about making a bad day worse lol. So far I am even 2 LMB on worms (nice ones) and 1 dink and 1 decent one i lost on the senko. So far worms are less work and catch bigger LMB (but you do catch a ton of rockbass in the proccess lol). I would even go as far as saying you might need a fish finder if you want some LMB in this lake. The water is pretty warm so they might be down in about 15-20ft of water is my thinking. Anyways hopefully someone else will fish here in a raft/floattube and maybe help me locate these darn bass.


7/7/2009 9:17:00 AM
fish haller lake green lake or lake ballinger! or scriber lake!
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709