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Sixteen Lake Report
Skagit County, WA



Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

Hit Lake 16 this morning from 7:30 to about 11:00. Took my ultra-light tackle and had a ball. These fish seem hungry! Just toss out a lure and hang on. I caught and realesed more than 40 bass. They ate my black rubber worm all day, and lipping/releasing all these fish cost me the thumb pad on my left hand. It's raw! These fish are plentiful, and are very skinny. No wonder I caught a fish on almost every cast ...until the wind got bad...then it took 2 or 3 casts to get one. The two largest are pictured...13 and 12 inchers. I fish/drifted one lap around the entire lake and caught fish everywhere within 20-30 feet of shore. No real pattern, just cast and be ready. Now I'll leave this lake alone for awhile.


8/22/2009 8:11:00 AM
Nice job!
9/15/2009 12:03:00 AM
I was up there a good while ago and caught a lot of the same. Makes you wonder where their daddies are huh? Deeper perhaps. May when the water temp goes down we might find them. You think?
Hawgs On
9/15/2009 8:39:00 PM
Hey code3daddy...going by only my 27 years of local bassin experience and the words of others over those years, no one I know or ever talked to, has ever caught a real big bass in Sixteen. The one posted earlier in June this year showed a bass caught here bigger than any I've ever seen or heard about, and I think it was about 2+ pounds. But yea, you'd think there would have to be bigger ones somewhere in a lake this large. It reminds me of Martha Lake near Lake Cassidy...totally stunted bass. All fish seemingly between 7 and 12 inches. And just like Lake Sixteen, they are all skinny. Must not be enought food for them all, so no one gets over fed...explains the constatnt bites! Maybe someone else out there has landed a big one from that lake (I'd love to hear about it too), but not that I know of. Sixteen...A fun and beautiful lake to fish, especially for teaching new bassers! Thanks, Take care.
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709