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Silver Lake Report
Spokane County, WA


Bottom Fishing From Boat
Largemouth Bass

Went out to double check out boat before steelhead season on the Snake river. Wife went with me, normally just reads, but wanted to wet a line, too. New state launch looks pretty, but the railing on the walk ramp is too high to be of any help loading or off-loading boat.
Worked the SE end and Northeast shoreline up to the rocks, with only 2 LM's about 3# each. Wife wanted to try something different, so she used my Shimano ultralight rod and Daiwa mini-spin loaded with 6# test Power-pro, 2# leader with 1/16 oz jig and yellow curly tail for some perch that were pestering our jig and pigs.
Second cast she had a hook-up, said it was snagged on branch, but branch was swimming away! After 5 minutes of "Keep the rod tip up" and "Don't reel in when it is taking line" we saw it. Damn! She had hooked a tiger muskie! The jig was right in the front fleshy area (lip). Now I was panicing, must have been a hoot to see. She got 3 nice jumps, almost went overboard twice, and I lost 5 years before I grabbed it. Taped it at 38", and no camera. She left her phone in the truck. Released it after about 5-6 minutes working it back and forth in the water. Swam off and gave us both a parting shower in the process. Her first tiger, now I will never be able to go alone again 8(( oh well, 26 years married and her first time really fishing with me! BTW I marked a couple more in 14' of water, just off the bottom. Couldn't interest any of them, though.


8/28/2009 9:47:00 PM
8/29/2009 6:58:00 AM
I've done that 3 times at Silver while fishing for crappie and perch. First time was right off the dive dock in front of the church camp, took 20 minutes or so to get it to the boat and it was 34" to 36" if I remember right. That was also on ultralight gear, 4# or 6# mono and a 1/16oz crappie jig. Hooked just like you described too.

Nice report and good to hear you interested your wife in being a more constant fishing partner. My wife is mine, and I rarely ever go out without her in the boat. She never just comes along for the ride, she's right there with me fishing just as hard! :-)
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709