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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Rock Lake Report
Whitman County, WA


Rainbow Trout
All Day

Started trolling right out of the bay at the lower end of the lake. Tried several different setups. Most successful was an orangish/pink wedding ring with half a worm trailer. Also caught one fish on a medium diving perch colored Rapala. Trolled from 9:00am until about 3:30pm and caught 4 fish: 2 rainbows and 2 browns. Weather was exceptional.


1/12/2010 10:18:00 AM
Hey is the new ramp in??? or is it still the old dirt road???? Thanks for the report!
1/12/2010 10:21:00 AM
No ramp. Just the dirt bank.
1/13/2010 9:50:00 AM
Thnaks for the update...I heard that a ramp is goingto be put in soon...I would guess spring?
1/13/2010 10:33:00 AM
That would make it pretty nice. It took about 3 tries to get my boat on the trailer straight since the launch area is so shallow. And the water being cold enough that none of us wanted to wade out to move the boat over.
1/13/2010 4:19:00 PM
anyone know anything about hunting on this lake?
1/13/2010 5:00:00 PM
Check out page 24 of the Washington Migratory Waterfowl & Upland Game booklet. Here is what it says:
WAC 232-16-295 Rock Lake Game
Reserve. Whitman County: It shall be unlawful
to hunt, take or pursue migratory waterfowl, coot
and jacksnipe on or within 1/4 mile of Rock Lake,
Whitman County, except on the lower one mile and
the upper one half mile, which shall be open to
such hunting.
1/14/2010 7:49:00 AM
alright cool thanks. do you know anyone who has hunted it before?
1/14/2010 8:22:00 AM
I have never hunted before or talked to any one who has. But there are several blinds built along the lower end. While we were fishing there were very few birds moving around during the day. About 3:30 or 4:00 in the afternoon the geese starting flying over, but it was really close to being too dark to shoot. I have thought about trying it myself, but never have. If you do I think first light and last light would be your best bet.
1/14/2010 3:44:00 PM
yeah i've never been there but since it doesnt freeze over i thought i'd might check it out for this winter if not for next. but thanks a lot for the info!
1/15/2010 2:24:00 PM
The ground around Rock Lake is ALL private. If you do want to hunt the lower mile, or the upper half mile, for water fowl, then you must obtain landowner permission.

I was invited by one of the Land Owners, but never went. I suppose that IF you build a blind below the high water mark you would be legal.
Captain Jim
1/16/2010 1:17:00 AM
i sure hope their not going to put a new ramp in here. that would ruin rock lake by opening it up to water skiers etc...
leave it as it is....real fishermen can still use it and keep the riff-raff out. what a surprise wa. st. fish and wildlife
are going to ruin the best lake in the state by doing this.....i sure hope its not true!!!!!! thanks
2/14/2010 1:52:00 PM
I agree. I would hate to see a ramp here..
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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709