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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709

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Sammamish Lake Report
King County, WA


Cutthroat Trout
Power Bait

It was a nice day, cool and breezy but sunny. We put in at the south end launch just before noon, and trolled up the middle of the lake for cutthroats, checked out the north end of the lake to see if any signs of bass activity, and then trolled back down the lake, returning to the south end launch.
We caught one fish, a nice fat 18" cutthroat. We trolled with downriggers and flashers ahead of our baits / lures. Usually had one pole at about 35 ft, the other at 15 ft, unless we marked fish with the fish finder, at which times we adjusted the downriggers to try to match the fishies' location. Here, fishy, fishy !!
I caught the trout on a medium size needlefish in metallic perch finish, with a couple green power maggots on the hook, fished behind a les davis 50/50 flasher. Caught the fish after having downrigger set at 49 feet. I had actually given up and decided to check my lure to see if it was okay, and had reeled it in almost all the way to the boat when the fish took it. The lure must have been moving pretty fast when the cutty struck, because my buddy hadn't slowed down the motor (no trolling motor), so we were going about 2 mph, plus I was reeling fast when I got the hit.
Only fish of the day, but a nice day on the lake. Didn't see any signs of bass at the north end of the lake. Marked lots of fish at the south end of the lake, around the area of the monitoring station to the east shore....maybe perch.
Other things we tried while trolling were cut plug herring, fire tiger needlefish, and wedding ring with night crawler. Also, tried jigging herring. Looking forward to the water warming up and the bass getting more active!


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Available Guide

Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709