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Stevens Lake Report
Snohomish County, WA




I fished Lake Stevens for a few hours this morning. The weather was less than perfect but at least it was warm…come on summer! The action was consistent on a mix of kokanee and cutthroat. All fish were exceptionally feisty and went to about 14” I was making use of my two pole endorsement. One rod, lead line at 1 color with dodger and a home brew wedding ring. The second rod was run 40’ behind the downrigger while I chased meter marks to about 70’. It was rigged with a dodger and a kokanee spoon. Through out the day I tipped my offerings with corn, worms and various scents. Final count 30 or 40 fish, with 7 kokanee and 3 cutthroat retained. The water temperature hovered around 50 degrees, I figure a few more days of warm weather and it will be lights out fishing.


4/17/2010 5:46:00 PM
nice job..... just curious if you have the 2 pole endorsement are you able to keep 2 limits? sent you an email too
4/17/2010 6:22:00 PM
You wrote: "Through out the day I tipped my offerings with corn, worms and various scents. Final count 30 or 40 fish, with 7 kokanee and 3 cutthroat retained" .

According to the fishing regulations: In lakes, ponds, and reservoirs: No min. size. Daily limit 5. When fishing with bait, all TROUT (except STEELHEAD) equal to or greater than the minimum size are counted as part of the daily limit whether kept or released.

If as you said, you were fishing with bait, you should have stopped sooner.
4/17/2010 6:37:00 PM
Nice job, you could have kept 10 kokes,and your 5 trout. Or just keep what you can eat. I always try and get all my kokes, that way I can fill the smoker. How deep where you fishing?
4/17/2010 6:57:00 PM
Nice report! Are you getting ready for the Derby up there?
4/17/2010 8:02:00 PM
In Lake Stevens the daily catch limit is 5 trout no minimum size and 10 Kokanee no minimum size. Kokanee are not included in your daily trout limit so you could go home with 15 fish. Typically I only keep the kokanee but today the three trout that I kept were bleeding so I kept them. That said I did revise my tactics a bit hoping to reduce the number of trout caught. I do plan to fire up the smoker tomorrow and my catch will not go to waste. I did post pictures but I guess the pictures did not post...again.
4/17/2010 8:11:00 PM
I just reviewed ral's comment and ral is correct. Page 31 of the regulations reads "In lakes, ponds, and reservoirs... When fishing with bait, all TROUT (except STEELHEAD) equal to or greater than the minimum size are counted as part of the daily limit whether kept or released." "ral" , thank you for pointing that out and it will not happen again.
4/17/2010 8:56:00 PM
Nice report! Are you getting ready for the Derby up there?
4/17/2010 9:37:00 PM
Considering it, not sure what the work schedule is yet. I fish Lake Stevens every few weeks just to see how things are shaping up.
4/18/2010 10:19:00 PM
Great report, Yes and no to what Ral had to say. Its gray area you re trolling. What they mean is if your still fishing with bait and the fish swallows the hook they dont want you to release a dead fish or one you know is going to die. Thats like saying if I was to use a sent spray or gel on my lure and calling it bait. WDFW needs to improve there regs.
4/19/2010 6:20:00 AM
Idstud........Are you game warden. The Rule is pretty cut and dry. If bait is used, it is counted in your daily limit wether kept or released. Nowhere do I see anything about a trolling exception. Ignorance is not a very good defense. Just my two cents.
4/21/2010 7:12:00 AM
Why is everyone so uppity about the bait rule? These fish are planted and are made to be harvested, get over it. 90% of the time when a fish hits a trolled/baited lure they knock the bait off or it stays on the hook, they rarely ever INGEST the bait which is the reason WDFW has made such a rule (to prevent fish that have EATEN AND SWOLLOWED BAIT FROM BEING RELEASED). Things like Artificial plastic lures, powerbait, and cured eggs have shown increased LD50 mortality rates when ingested by fish but natural bait such as maggots, worms, and insects should not have an impact on the fishes ability to digestion and live a full and healthy life.
4/21/2010 1:42:00 PM
Not uppity just law abiding as to keep our rights as fishermen, when you start breaking rules funny things happen they make more rules. it is really not that hard just to follow them, or just dont talk about breaking them unless you like attention.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709