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Newman Lake Report
Spokane County, WA



Top Fishing From Boat
Tiger Muskie

Hit Newman today with the wife for a couple hours. Weather was crazy we thought it would be sunny and perfect well it was cloudy and COLD!! Water temps were back down to 52-54 degrees while we were there from 1-4pm today. Had two bites and two fish landed! My first one was the Tiger Musky pictured, I have never caught one before and man my heart was pounding. It struck my suspending rapala right after a 3 second pause about 20ft from the boat in 5-7ft of water. I have had only one other fish pull drag from my baitcaster and it was a LMB about 6lbs so I am guessing at 30 inches this was about 5-6lbs. Quick pics and released. No other strikes for almost 2 hours in numerous spots so went by the launch to try an area of stumps I knew holds good fish. Two perfect casts in a row and WHAM Largemouth about 2lbs. This was caught on a double colorado spinner bait. Hit the area hard for 20 more min and then took off. Nothing for the wife this time but she took great pics and has now thawed out. What a trooper! Hopefully the weather will get the water temps up soon. Quite a few other boats on the water, I didn't see anyone really getting anything but we were only there a short time.
Tight Lines!


4/25/2010 11:20:00 PM
What do you know, they got pike in Newman Lake. A Muskie has strips going vertical as opposed to horizontal on a Pike.
4/25/2010 11:33:00 PM
yeah weird, that looks like a pike to me, but I have never seen nor heard of pike in newman.. I wonder if a pike got mixed into the last musky release? strange
4/26/2010 12:19:00 AM
can we say bucket biologist? im not sure though does newman conect to the Pend Orielle River or it any of its tributarys i know they have been reported in lake Roosevelt.
4/26/2010 8:13:00 AM
man... i was there yesterday with no bites. i was the small blue boat.
4/26/2010 8:37:00 AM
And you still haven't caught a tiger musky, that is a pike.
4/26/2010 10:01:00 AM
Tiger muskie are pike-musky hybrids, so it would not be unusual for the fish to show characteristics of either or both.
4/26/2010 11:08:00 AM
Ive caught plenty of Musky out of newman, and every one of them looked like a musky, that pic clearly a pike.
4/26/2010 11:34:00 AM
I would have to agree definitely looks like a Pike to me as well.
4/26/2010 3:14:00 PM
thats definetly a pike
4/26/2010 5:47:00 PM
I clicked on the Newman Lake report and checked out the pics before reading anything else... I Instantly had to double check and make sure I actually clicked Newman and not POR or CDA. There is no doubt that that is a Pike!!!
4/26/2010 8:17:00 PM
Could be, I just get the feeling that people are overlooking the fact that "hybrid" means that exactly 50% of this fish's genes came from a musky, and 50% came from a pike. How many of you look like one of your parents, while your sister or brother looks like the other? Sorry to sound like a boring old biology teacher here, but I am one so I can't help it! I just wish I could get one of those big suckers, whether it looked like a pike or a musky, to bite my hook out there... I've tried many times with no luck. Kudos to those of you that have figured 'em out!
AJ's Dad
4/27/2010 7:39:00 PM
Well folks, I'm here to add my 2 cents worth. If that is a tiger mucky I'll eat my own spinnerbait. That my friends is a pike. Genes or no genes. No, Newman is not connected to the POR or any of it's tributaries. That fish would have come from someones livewell and I applaud them for it. I know, I'll probably get shredded for saying that but if the state of washington had any sense, they would promote pike fishing and plant them wherever they could. Look at the tourism created in the great lakes areas thet is generated by people that want to go catch pike. I wish there were lakes in washington that were stocked with pike. I don't know why anyone would want to fish for anything else. Guess I'm a little biased. If you haven't caught one, go do it. You will be hooked.
Happy fishing
4/27/2010 8:16:00 PM
I completely agree AJ's Dad
4/27/2010 9:13:00 PM
Based on the "genes or no genes" comment, I guess I'll have to concede to being outsmarted here. It probably doesn't have genes... Happy fishing all!
AJ's Dad
4/27/2010 10:02:00 PM
spinnerbait89, I intended no offense with my genes or no genes comment. I hope I didn't offend you. If I did, please accept my apologies.
5/10/2010 3:21:00 PM
Small tigers still have very predominant vertical bars. Even the 12 - 14" planters. Deffinately esox lucius there.
5/20/2010 8:39:00 PM
I've never seen a muskie with spots like that before. That's got to be a pike.
7/1/2010 8:22:00 PM
its a pike no matter what genes it has it would have characteristics of a musky but this doesnt. it has a dark body light marks the tail is rounded not pointy. but the tiger musky also has round tips to but the coloration on the tail is all rong it has that tail of a pike with the marking and coloration if it was a tiger it would have some type of musky coloration and this fish does not its a PIKE
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Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709