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Roses Lake Report
Chelan County, WA




On Sat after the "Morning Chores", Cindy and I hooked up the boat and headed to Roses for a lil R&R. There was a thunder storm hanging over Stormy Mt as we left chelan, and by the time we got to Roses the storm had moved on south of us. A little wind, but otherwise great. Saw afk and his son, who had caught some fish, on the water. Up until that time we hadn't caught very much. Then things picked up. We caught several crappie, bluegill and a couple of yellow perch. No trout today. The fish seemed to be holding tight in the toulees and we had to go down to 1/64 oz with tiny tubes to get them to bite. They just wouldn't latch on to the 1/16 oz baits. Cindy was using a 1/64 oz Sparkle jig on 4# P-line. We are up against the toulees, dropping the lil jigs down by the stalks, and were picking up a keeper fish once in a while. I hear the toulees rattling, and Cindy saying "I don't know what I got on". I look around to see the yellow rod bent over, and the toulees looked as if a MinnKota was loose in there. The silt was all stirred up and the stalks were waving. After some fancy rod work she got the critter up where I could get the net under it. A whopping 2# 4oz LMB had hit that tiny jig. Well that made her day. We saw a catfish swim under the boat in about 4 feet of water, and it was probably 5-6 pounds. With the LMB and cats, the baitfish were staying in the cover. We caught several small (under 12 in) LMB but only the one of any size. The crappie were 9-11 inches, the bluegill 7-8 inches, and the Yellow perch stretching out to 10 1/2 inches. What a variety of fish. We used yellows, reds, black, green, clear with metal flake, and didn't find any color that was the consistent producer. We ended the day with a couple of pounds of fillets, so a good meal to come.


5/9/2010 9:40:00 PM
Nice Crappie! Back in Arizona they were soo fun to catch but havent caught any is Washington
Jay K
5/9/2010 10:06:00 PM
Nice assortment of fish and great pics - thanks for sharing!
blufin loui
5/9/2010 10:11:00 PM
Hey ya Fish_Bait****, they are fun to catch, and delicious in the pan.Maybe you'll get hooked up on some crappie in the future.
blufin loui
5/9/2010 10:13:00 PM
Howdy Jay K, the variety is one of the things I love about the Roses Lake. On a good day, you can catch several species. What a great place we live and play in.
5/10/2010 9:40:00 AM
A nice mess of fish you got there! We probably won't get back out until after 7/4 with all the other activities filling our weekends between now and then, HS reunion in Tacoma, nephew's graduation in Eugene, OR, our son's wedding, & our Roosevelt hosts 60th wedding anniversary, sigh. We'll be happy to see July arrive! Glad I can enjoy reading posts and pics here on WA Lakes! Keep up the good work you two! :-)
The Jigmiester
5/10/2010 12:47:00 PM
Hey Lou-eeeeee! It's the Jigmiester man. Leave it to my ol' buddy to show us how it's done! I am currently a victim of this down economy so my reports have been lacking. My crappie fishing has been.. well? crappy this year. Though Pammy and I hit an I 82 pond recently and had a ball catching rainbows on homemade spinners. I am hoping things turn around fishing wise for me this year and a new job would be nice! Miss you sir, and take care of that lady of yours, sincerely, the Jig-man.
5/10/2010 7:22:00 PM
Hey Lewis, I'm glad to hear the bite picked up. Sorry we left in such a hurry. But, we had to get home to take pictures of my oldest & his Prom date. We were only a little late. I would of liked to stayed until dark. But, can't always have it my way. LOL Nice pics. Thanks
blufin loui
5/10/2010 9:33:00 PM
hewesfisher, I sympathize with ya, so best of luck in your travels. We'll try to do our part to keep the waters plied.
blufin loui
5/10/2010 9:35:00 PM
Jiggie, so good to hear from ya. We been using the bobber tactics you taught me with good results at times. Thanks for sharing. Hope your fishing ventures are up to your expectations, and of course we'll toss a prayer your way. Take care and hope to see this summer.
blufin loui
5/10/2010 9:36:00 PM
It's ironic how the bite turns on at times. You hadn't anymore than reached the dock when the fish started cooperating. Go figure. Good to see you two on the water.
5/10/2010 10:33:00 PM
Good onya!
5/10/2010 10:57:00 PM
Great report and pictures. Hey...those fish are a different color from the usual. ;-) It is fun to pan fish because you can never tell for sure what will be on the end of your line.
blufin loui
5/11/2010 9:28:00 PM
Hello BMGW, I always enjoy your reports and pics, you post some nice catches. Thanks for sharing. Leland Lake sure sounds like a nice lake to float around on. Best of luck in all your endeavours.
blufin loui
5/11/2010 9:36:00 PM
Hi ya Toni, Those Bluegill (Bream) were in the live well for a while. The water was cool enough, that with the circulater pump run once in a while to oxygenate the water, they stayed frisky and they do tend to darken in color after being in the livewell. Some of them were pink bellied when caught, and the bars were more prominent when the pic was taken. They all had to get a "bamboo shampoo" before filleting. It would be safe to say the panfishing this time of year is my fav. And they do provide some tastee meals. We are fortunate to live close to the Roses, Wapato, and Dry lakes, and use the electric bowmount for navigation, so the expense is minimal, and a mess of fillets for the pan or a couple of meals in the freezer is cheap, but great eating. thanks for your comment Toni, and I look forward to more of your reports. Stay well and safe.
5/12/2010 9:00:00 PM
blufin, what is a toulee if I may ask? Is that cattails or something?
Hope I start getting some panfish next time I get out... Perch being the main target but crappie and Bluegill are fine too. And Bluegill can really put up a fight on light tackle!

Good luck out there, thanx for the pics and nice writeup!
blufin loui
5/13/2010 8:03:00 AM
Hey there knotabassturd, I am guilty of using the name I've heard from other fishermen in the area, and most likely misspelled the word too. It's pronounced as "Two-Lee", but in any case the Soft Rush (Juncus effusus) looks the closest to the plant I was speaking off. It grows in clumps along the edges out into the water like cattails, but more of a cane appearance, and sometimes making an almost Impenetrable barrier, it has vertical round tapered stems with no leaves, and can be 3-4 feet high. Make excellent fish habitat and is in most lakes on this side of the hill, and would guess the same for the west side. Here is an addie that has a pic that looks like the , http://www.illinoiswildflowers.info/grasses/plants/soft_rush.htm . Hope this helps, and anyone who can chime in with more info would be welcomed. Thanks for your comment, and I do love bluegill. Keeps the kid in me alive. LOL
5/13/2010 4:13:00 PM
Wow, what a great job answering my question. The link with picture convinced me to at least THINK I know what it is.
If it is what I think it is, then we do have it around here in some of the lakes I fish.

Have fun out there.
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Available Fishing Guide:
Website: Darrell & Dads Family Guide Service

Phone: (509) 687-0709